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Thieves (Need Advice)


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My girlfriend and I live next door to my parents here in Gahanna. My dad was telling me that he's been having thieves try to break into his work van off and on. The first time they made off with some stuff. Since that time he's installed internal locks on the doors that they have so far been unable to penetrate but he went outside the other day to leave for work and one of his doors' locks had been messed up like someone was trying to get into it so they didn't get in but obviously had been trying. They had also unscrewed one of his flood lights that look down over the cars out front. He spoke to the Gahanna police and they had basically no advice.


So basically after speaking with the authorities they basically tell you there's nothing you can do. The cops themselves are worthless and don't do anything to prevent these types of things, you can't wait around with a gun to blow them away because you'll go to jail (and it's random anyway so you can't sit up all night every night waiting for it to happen since people have jobs to go to), you can't set the vehicle up to electrocute people on contact because you'll go to jail...


Does anyone have any suggestions at all on what to do since these people just continue to come back? Has anyone run into this problem before and maybe have some advice? I can rig up cameras but what's the point? The cops as I said before are 100% worthless so I can't think of a good reason to waste the money and time setting up a camera system.


Thanks for your time, as it is much appreciated.

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If i was him I would park as close to the house as possible maybe leave a light on every once in awhile in the house on(not all the time most thieves scope a target before they try it). Does he work for a company or self employed w/ employees?


Works for a company. He parks his van VERY close to the house, like right up against the garage practically with about 4 flood lights hitting the area.


I'm just suprised they keep coming back to hit the same thing -- most people would hit once and bail you would think...only setting themselves up to get caught in the rare event that the cops do their job.


Thanks for the responses fellas.

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Id say do the camera thing. Its works.


And when you say it works -- do you mean that if I set up cameras in an area where they could *SEE* the cameras it works as a deterrent or to hide the cameras and you think the cops could actually do something then?



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Well you will have that with work vans esp. marked work vans(if its mark w/ a joes plumbing sign or something like that) the thieves already know whats in it and tools sell quick.I was a construction worker and we had people come to are work site trying to sell hot tools until one day when the stars and the moon aligned(spl?) right and a thief actually tried to sell tools to a person who he stole them from(he marked everything with his intials) that was some funny shit
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camras are no good unless they are good ones. i have a friend that has there shop camared the fuc* out and the theives still come and steal shit. the oil is a good trick use it. go and buy the game watcher camara ( what hunters use to take pics of deer and such) and install it on the dash so when they look in the van the camara will snap a pic
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Guest chpmnsws6
Get an alarm that, if tripped, sends a message to a pager instead of waking up the neighborhood with an alarm. Then bust out of the house with some nunchucks and go to town.


Then you will go to jail for assault with a deadly weapon. I like the poison ivy trick. Thieves have more rights then us "do gooders" :mad:

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Get an alarm that, if tripped, sends a message to a pager instead of waking up the neighborhood with an alarm. Then bust out of the house with some nunchucks and go to town.


Similarly you could hook up that motion sensor to a light inside the house that will wake you up if it's tripped. Then unload on those motherfuckers (figuratively).

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Game cameras work but the flash will reflect off of the window and the photo will be nothing. Cameras at the house tell you if they drove up or are on foot and keep going to the cops and writing up complaints, it seems worthless but if you ever catch them you can pin all of the complaints on one person. Cheap DING DONG motion sensors from radio shack will let you know someone is about.
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Urushi oil, pure shit. It's what gives you a rash from poison ivy, lay it thick on the stuff they touch and mess with. Its an oil, so dont worry too much about rain, just recoat once a month. They will sorely regret anything they do to the van.


I've found a flaw in your reasoning: gloves.

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Guest HyperBurn
Meijer sells those cheap ass bulldog alarms. they are like 20 bucks and they are louder than shit! Put one on the door of the van that way when they open it, it goes off and it wakes up the whole neighborhood. I installed a 120db siren under my dash in my blazer and I can tell you from experience, I do not want to ever hear that go off again.
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