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Thursday Nights in Dayton


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Thursday Nights in Dayton a.k.a. post whore thread :D

where's everyone going for thanksgiving

I am staying around here. Mandy's dad's side for lunch in West Alex/Eaton, stop off at Mandy's Gma's (mom's side) after that, then my mom's side for dinner. Unfortunately, It doesnt look like I'll make it to my dad's side or my Step-dad's side of the family this year. But, when you have like 5 different sides of the family to go to, some are going to get left out. I wish I were going somewhere nice and warm

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That's the only way we can work it out. My side is huge plus her family is in Cleveland. And then there's our work schedule Jordan doesn't get vacation days yet. So she has to work day after thanksgiving and Christmas. which means we'll be driving back from Cleveland Christmas night.

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lol OH!! yea.. sorry jarvis. with two matt's, you got stuck with jarvis. haha.. and since you never come ;)

easy princess, i'm still lurking around and stalking the thread, I just wait until the right moment to throw in something witty and/or inappropriate (just ask the Hooters waitresses). I realize this particular post lacks all of that, but they can't all be winners.

Since it's winter I'm back at my gym on Thursday nights trying to add a whole 3/4 of a pound to my already bulging frame. I'm being doing Bodman fragrance commercials in no time.....

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Mandy? When did you start posting on Brad's name?


ok that was halarious Dustin. very clever you are.

If there are going to be a lot of peeps gathering thursday, I might join. I have plenty of work to keep me busy all week. but i might be down if its gonna be a sweet thursday night in Dayton :dj:

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I hadnt really planned on doing it this thursday but if enough are interested I can. I was going to take friday off work to go kill some deer. But I may just wait till the 20th to hunt. Trying to see if I can't get one the first time taking my new gun out. even if it is a doe.

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Knodel. So you have some tricks up you sleeve on the 600 i see. you going to drag that bike with the N2O?. Its going to be that much harder trying to keep up with you know. I almost bought a n2o kit a few years back but didnt have anywhere to hide a bottle. where did you hide it?

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