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Mosoui gets death....

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death by giant inmate penis. Who's got money on how long he lasts once he hits general population? There's rumors that there's at least one hit getting wispered around. His silly ass = check waiting to be cashed.


I'm personaly glad this tool didn't get to die for 9/11. By all accounts he was a retard amung killers, even the terrorists didn't want anything to do with him.

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They should do like they did with Jeffery Dohmer (sp?). They put him in a cell with crazed wacko and then when the wacko killed him everyone was like "O geez, we didn't think THAT was gunna happen....". True Justice!
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He should be put to death.


Great, our tax dollars get to support this guy for the rest of his life so he can "think" about what he did? Yea, right. Every day in that cell for him will be one day closer to his 4796556757 virgins in heaven. He'll be smiling inside the whole time.

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No, putting him todeath takes him directly to them. Do you know how Jihad works? It's like Val Halla, die of old age and you get shit.


I'd buy him lunch every day...so long as it was ham, bacon, and King Cobra. Tax dollars well spent.

As I have a bottle of snake sitting next to me at the moment, I am inclined to disagree eith you on this one.

I belive bottles of water handeled by infadels, and a steady diet of menu 22 from the MRE warehouse would be better.

FYI, Menu 22 (the ham and shrimp jambalaya) is the absolute worst of any MRE menu, completely inedible. There are tons of them laying around, as no one want to eat the damn thing.


Civilian reaction to one:


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i think i would slaughter a pig, disembowel it, and put it in a ditch. then i would show it to him and tell him that i was going to bury him with the pig. i would explain to him that the enemies of america will have everything denied to them, even paradise after death. i would film it as i threw him in the hole and then buried him. then i would make sure that every muslim extremist got the video.


im feeling particularly brutal this evening. i imagine ill be better in the morning.

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i think i would slaughter a pig, disembowel it, and put it in a ditch. then i would show it to him and tell him that i was going to bury him with the pig. i would explain to him that the enemies of America will have everything denied to them, even paradise after death. i would film it as i threw him in the hole and then buried him. then i would make sure that every Muslim extremist got the video.


im feeling particularly brutal this evening. i imagine ill be better in the morning.


Gee I wonder where you heard this before? Muslin defilement. In the 1800's there was a Muslim uprising somewhere I believe in South America, but not sure exactly where. An American Army captain, versed in the Muslim religion had a pig slaughtered, then blood put in a bucket and bullets put into the blood. Fifty Muslims were rounded up and 49 faced the firing line while number 50 got to watch. The bullets were taken out of the pigs blood and used in the execution. The 50th man was told exactly what they were doing and watched his Muslim brothers buried with the pig parts and told to go back and tell the others that this would be their fate if they continued to cause problems... the problems went away.


Moral of the story, just because their religion is warped, doesn't mean that they don't believe it. Christians believe that the son of God walked the earth healing the sick, raising the dead and turning water to wine (neatest trick of all), is it true? Well, that ain't the point, point is that there are ass loads of folks that believe it's true.

These fucks believe that pigs can defile them and close the gates of heaven or whatever to them... I say we load the shit up in a crop duster and fly over Baghdad or where ever, and then drop some bombs on their asses.

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As I have a bottle of snake sitting next to me at the moment, I am inclined to disagree eith you on this one.

I belive bottles of water handeled by infadels, and a steady diet of menu 22 from the MRE warehouse would be better.

FYI, Menu 22 (the ham and shrimp jambalaya) is the absolute worst of any MRE menu, completely inedible. There are tons of them laying around, as no one want to eat the damn thing.

Nastyness isn't the point, it's the fact that muslims are forbidden to eat any of it. ;) Make him eat pork hot dogs sticking out of a fat naked womans ass and kooter. :cool:

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He should be put to death.


Great, our tax dollars get to support this guy for the rest of his life so he can "think" about what he did?


Putting someone to death costs at least 4-5 times more than housing them for life. even a person who is in solitary confinement, with his own personal gaurds. Its not that the actual cost of killing someone is expensive, its all the appeals he gets. He has to have a lawer, and at this point, unless hes bill gates, hes probably run out of money and the state has to appoint him one for every appeal. for the lawer this is a dream case. A person who will constantly appeals, and an "unlimited" amount of funding via the state. Then it has to go to court, and that takes another handful of lawyers and people with 4fig. hourly rates. not cheap by anymeans.


besides i think solitary confinement and jail time is worse than death. death is the easy way out.


now id they would combine the two...physial torture for an indefinite amount of time perday, every day for XXyears.



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A good old fashioned hanging would cost......NOTHING. I'll volunteer a tree.


F paying for this trash to be guarded and fed. Start offing these fucks on a regular basis. Solitary confinement would definately be a great way to make them go slowly insane but jails take a shit load of money to build and guards aren't volunteering their time.

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Nastyness isn't the point, it's the fact that muslims are forbidden to eat any of it. ;) Make him eat pork hot dogs sticking out of a fat naked womans ass and kooter. :cool:

The nastiness isnt really the point. The fact that if we think it is good enough for the troops, it is more than adequate for his ass.

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Putting him to death would be exaclty what he wants, and I support the jury in their decison to keep him alive. That being said, it is alot of money to keep him alive.... So it is kind of the double edged sword. But on the flip side, sex offenders and child molesters are being let out of prison early everyday, just so room can be made for drug offenders. So if he were in jail, a large percentage of his other inmates would be drug offenders. American Justice System=Needs BIG reform.
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