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Bush on Immigration

Guest FrancesTheMute

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Guest FrancesTheMute

6,000 National Guard are going to be deployed to the borders. We are now going to build an "Uber-Fence".


Thank god I just transferred to an MP unit. Looks like my ass is spending the summer in Texas. w00t! Here's to a good paying summer job.


Immigration, Discuss:


I say, put up the wall, kick out the illegals, if my family came here legally, everyone else's should have to also. We were smart though, we came through Canada ;)

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bush finally took a non-retarded approach to an issue! wohoo! i say we keep the mexicans in mexico. look how crappy their country is. now they wanna come here and make ours shitty? sorry for being political incorrect but im sure most other people feel the same.
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Guest FrancesTheMute
Its not the wall. Its the land mines that we are gona put on our side. The wall is just to make sure they dont acidently stray over the border.


Haha, you engineers and your explosives.

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Its not the wall. Its the land mines that we are gona put on our side.

.....seriously? I thought I'd heard that anti personell mines were against the geneva convention.....? Maybe the convention doesn't apply within ones own boarders.


Beefing up the boarders, good. Temporary workers permits, bad. Unfortunately I missed the adress tonight, I'm solo babysitting the boy. Are there any transcripts up yet?


There are many ways through minefeilds, most noisy, some inhumane toward animals. :)

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Anti personel mines are against the geneva convention. Just like the m-2 is not alowed to be used against enemy personel. It is designated as an anti-material weapon (can only fire at equipment)

Last I checked, a uniform and a helmet are both considered equipment......

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Guest FrancesTheMute
Anti personel mines are against the geneva convention. Just like the m-2 is not alowed to be used against enemy personel. It is designated as an anti-material weapon (can only fire at equipment)

Last I checked, a uniform and a helmet are both considered equipment......


So are radios...gotta suck being the RTO.

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I heard on the grego show this morning that illegal immigrants make over 60 Billion dollars in the US each year. Thats a shit load of money.


I'm not really pissed about the situation b/c they do work I wouldnt do anyways(typically construction jobs or anything under the table b/c they are indeed illegal). The only thing that pisses me off is when they refuse to use the english language and then have no means to communicate in the situation of an emergency, or well whatever. So it goes.

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I heard on the grego show this morning that illegal immigrants make over 60 Billion dollars in the US each year. Thats a shit load of money.


Sounds like a lot. But consider, 60 billion /11,000,000 illegals (I think this is the number I have heard) = 5500/person. Not that much when you look at it that way. And consider what they cost us in hospital bills, educating their children, etc.


One trip to the ER or stay in the hospital will easily wipe out what 2 or more are making. And since they are persona non grata, guess who gets stuck with the bill.

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yes they do the jobs that uppity americans dont want to do.


yes they work like 4 jobs.


yes they sleep 12 to a double bed.


yes they drink mucho cerveza.


yet as much as they make a yr they do contribute to the economy alot beer wine hookers.


on the other hand they are like a virus (matrix) they consume their own contry so they move to the "land of promise"


I personally think we need to cure (or at least help) our own problems before we take on another nations own set.


We shoudl be like other contries you have to bring your job or bussines, or already have one set up for you to live in the country, you can visit but its very temp and you cant work while visiting.


yes there are other ways around it (Berto)

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For once i agree with President Bush on alot of his viewpoints. But i dont agree with the 'guestworker' program. While a mass deportation of all illegal immigrants maybe an attractive proposal it's not going to happen. There are plenty of jobs left open for those on welfare and government subsidies to take, not saying they will but they will be there.
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I agree 100% w/Bush for the 2nd time in my life.


1st reason was b/c of the child tax thing


but his current reason I agree w/completely b/c I'd tired of MOther #*(T&% coming over to this country, taking jobs/not working w/8 kids and living off the gov't. I work two jobs(70 hours a week) and go to school to support my family and when I see Somialians and africans, who don't give a F&*& about this country living off the gov't and getting like 300 dollars worth in groceries

But regardless I'm glad something is finally being done w/about it

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Guest Luetic

this could be ended in one day, with one stroke of the pen. No military, no wall.


Make it a felony to employ them:


$500,000 fine and 6 months in prison to anyone that employs an illegal immigrant. There, done. You don't have to deport them. They can just all walk home, cuz they ain't gonna get a job here.

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yes they do the jobs that uppity americans dont want to do.


yes they work like 4 jobs.


yes they sleep 12 to a double bed.


yes they drink mucho cerveza.


yet as much as they make a yr they do contribute to the economy alot beer wine hookers.


on the other hand they are like a virus (matrix) they consume their own contry so they move to the "land of promise"


I personally think we need to cure (or at least help) our own problems before we take on another nations own set.


We shoudl be like other contries you have to bring your job or bussines, or already have one set up for you to live in the country, you can visit but its very temp and you cant work while visiting.


yes there are other ways around it (Berto)


Welcome to the modern socialist state. It attracts flies like hot cow pies.

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The guest worker program seems to be the only logical solution to the issue. If we were to deport all illegals, we would be attempting to deport 10 million people. Not worth the trouble, and not worth all the money. By the time all we removed, more would be back in. The problem with the worker visa system is how it will be regualted. If they want illegals in the country to go and get a green card, and become legal, and being paying taxes, why would they? If they have been here say five years, why would they take the trouble to be legal now? They are not that dumb, they know if they become llegal, that means the less money they will have because they will have to pay taxes. Yes there are illegals they own houses, about 100,000, and they are paying taxes. Personally, I think that is the biggest problems with illegal immigrants, they don't pay taxes. They still use schools, roads, hospitals (most don't have insurance) and most pay nothing to the governement. Register the ones here, make them pay back taxes, tighten the border, but make it easier to get in llegally.
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The majority of the illegals in columbus are motivated individuals. I have no problem with someone with a work ethic, working. Just pay into the system, that's all I ask. The other thing is be recognized, we need migrant workers, sign up. As for amnesty, I have a problem with people being allowed citizenship who's first act was committing a felony.
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this could be ended in one day, with one stroke of the pen. No military, no wall.


Make it a felony to employ them:


$500,000 fine and 6 months in prison to anyone that employs an illegal immigrant. There, done. You don't have to deport them. They can just all walk home, cuz they ain't gonna get a job here.


seriously problem solved

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There isn't one single thing that will solve this problem. It is a combination of things that will take care of it, and just combining a number of the ideas in this thread would probably take care of it:


- Felony for employing an illegal

- Deport illegals, and deport them heavily. Round them up and ship them out

- Guard the borders heavily, with a shoot on site policy


Add to that, a felony for renting housing to illegals. If they can't make money, can't find a place to live, are being chased and deported in groups, and will be shot if they try to come back, that would probably discourage most illegals.

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There isn't one single thing that will solve this problem. It is a combination of things that will take care of it, and just combining a number of the ideas in this thread would probably take care of it:


- Felony for employing an illegal

- Deport illegals, and deport them heavily. Round them up and ship them out

- Guard the borders heavily, with a shoot on site policy


Add to that, a felony for renting housing to illegals. If they can't make money, can't find a place to live, are being chased and deported in groups, and will be shot if they try to come back, that would probably discourage most illegals.


Couldn't agree more, but our pussy government is too worried about political correctness and kissing everyone else's ass around the world to take care of #1 first. I miss the old days. I just hope I live to see the day when we get another president like T.R. that wouldn't hesitate to tell another country what to go do with itself if it tried to milk us the way Mexico does and our gov't just lets it happen.


It's very depressing. I write my congressman often but feel like I have no representation.

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