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...(Rant)... Why Can't I get....


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A different Cable Company. I loath the cable company I have right now. I dont wanna name names but It sounds a lot like hinsight) over the past 5 years, I've had to deal with such company and I so wish I could go with WOW or DirectTV. I have had to deal with outage that last days for no reason, slow RR speeds, Techs not showing up when there suppose to, and I think there prices are way to high, and now today. I called Monday to upgrade my cable.


(ME) "I'd like to upgrade."


(Hinsight)"Sure no problem How does Wednesday between 5-7 sounds"


(ME)"Sounds good".


Today I get home and wait and wait cause they can't seem to get here between the scheduled hours. call at 7:15.


(Hinsight) "This is Whoever How can I help you"


(ME) "Hi I was supposed to have a tech come out today between 5-7. He has arrived yet."


(Hinsight) "Oh well let me check. I see that you have been Scheduled for tomorrow from 5-7"


(ME) "Oh really?? I was told Wednesday (today).


(Hinsight) "Well I'm very sorry but we will be out tomorrow (Thursday) to upgrade you cable. Is there anything Else I can do for you?"


(ME) "DO you know that I have been waiting here for a tech to show up cause I was told Wednesday."


(Hinsight) "Like I said sir I'm very sorry but we will be out tomorrow (Thursday) to upgrade you cable. Is there anything Else I can do for you today?"


(ME) "No I guess not, just want my cable upgraded."


I HATE this company. If I had away to open the gray cable box outside, I would open it take the trap off and get the upgrade for free.


They get a BIG F-U

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I would love to do the same thing. My main problem is they monopolize the areas. Example apartment complex Either sign some sort of contract with the cable company or just agree to only use that company, some complexs even go as far as not letting you get a dish. I would get a dish but I'm not faceing the right direction for a signal. The bitch of the thing is WOW is avaible across the street but they can't come into the complex for some reason they can't explain. WOW also offers the same cable package that I have for like 20 or 30 dollars less.


Man what a crock of shit.

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Apartment complex owners get kickbacks for having one company in there exclusively. Just the way it is.


the only kickback is free cable, nothing more....


trust me, i know first hand...

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I know that companies get areas that they basically monopolise and do charge pretty high rates. Funny too since in 1998 a law was passed to open up more free trade between these types of service providers. To bad they found a different way to maintain control. I live in westerville and my only option for cable is insight. Lucky for me I live in an old neighborhood so no home owners corp to tell me I can't have DirecTV. I got it and love it. Never any problems and the price is less than half of what insight quotes.



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You do realize that the reason most complex's have specific companies that do the whole complex is because that company (if there was more than one in the area) offered the best price to wire the complex. Therefore, when doing that, they get a contract that any and all units in the complex that get cable, will have to use their service
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You do realize that the reason most complex's have specific companies that do the whole complex is because that company (if there was more than one in the area) offered the best price to wire the complex. Therefore, when doing that, they get a contract that any and all units in the complex that get cable, will have to use their service

Bullshit. Half the apartment complexes out there are pre-wired by electricians or private contractors.


And the owners only get free cable. LOL, keep dreaming (guess who ELSE knows first hand). Maybe free cable for an owner that owns only one small complex; but a number of these large places are owned by the same owners, and free cable isn't enough. Besides, why offer only one cable company unless there is a reason to? It's more than just inexpensive wiring if the cable company does the wiring for it at all.


There is also a reason some apartment complexes offer only one service, but everyone gets free limited basic service. That was how that owner negotiates a single cable company in, using it as an incentive for renters.

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Bullshit. Half the apartment complexes out there are pre-wired by electricians or private contractors.


And the owners only get free cable. LOL, keep dreaming (guess who ELSE knows first hand). Maybe free cable for an owner that owns only one small complex; but a number of these large places are owned by the same owners, and free cable isn't enough. Besides, why offer only one cable company unless there is a reason to? It's more than just inexpensive wiring if the cable company does the wiring for it at all.


There is also a reason some apartment complexes offer only one service, but everyone gets free limited basic service. That was how that owner negotiates a single cable company in, using it as an incentive for renters.




yes.....tell the guy who's father owns and has owned many large apartment complexes, that the information that came straight from his father's mouth, once again the apartment complex OWNER, that he is wrong. Good one. Just because you are a tech monkey for cable company, doesn't mean you know the ins and outs of the business cpntracts

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ok, I take that back, WOW may offer more than just free cable to complex's to try to win their business due them trying to grow, years after Ameritech hung them out to dry. But Time Warner and Insight do not. Also, with Insight, you don't even get the free cable packages if less than a certain number of occupied units, have cable. It's actually a really low number too, in our one 275 unit complex that we have left, only 22% of the occupied units have to subscribe to some type of Insight service, or else we don't get our 3 free 70 channel cable packages... oooooooo
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one more thing, with you being mr cable guy extrodinare, you should also know that yes, the buildings themselves would be wired by private companies, but the utility companies supply the lines running to the buildings. IE, Insight will offer to put these lines running to the buildings at a 15% discount if they get exclusive service to your complex. If you don't think that is enough to sway the owner, you obviously know nothing about building development.


As for the orig. thread poster. Your problem with the appt. That is just your basic centralized contact center bullshit you are going to get with any company that utilizes that type of service

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No my real problem is more less companies that don't give a shit about customer service. Insight just happens to be one of them (as far as I'm concerned. Call reps that don’t know shit about what they are talking about, Techs that are too incompetent to connect coaxial cable together. I don’t mind paying the higher price cause well... Cause I only have 2 choices cable or no cable. I never had any problems with Time Warner when I first moved to Columbus 7 years ago. Hell I'd go with them if I could. The price is the same but I had better customer service.
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Also if you live in a small town, the town will sign a contract with the cable company to only allow them to offer cable service in the town. The town will also set the prices. I know it is like this in Utica where I grew up and Johnstown. Luckly you could get satalite service in town but service was pretty bad anytime the wind blew.


But as LJ said, cable companies sign contracts with apartment companies to wire the complex for free or at a discount if they only allow there service to be used. In the complex I live in we only have Insight for cable service, but we can also get Dish or DirecTV service. I have had Insight since February and my only complaint so far has been the digital cable going out sometimes on my down stairs TV but no problems with my upstairs box. I just unplug the box for a few and plug it back in and it works. But that problem cleared up in about a week.

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Um ok, the answer to your original question is regulation. Competition cannot be built in regulated areas (hopefully that will change so Verizon can bring Fiber to the Crib). Anywho, you can get satellite TV even if the apartement people don't like it. The FCC has mandated that TV is quite important and if you want to get it via your own means you can.


Q: What types of antennas are covered by the rule?


A: The rule applies to the following types of antennas:


(1) A "dish" antenna that is one meter (39.37") or less in diameter (or any size dish if located in Alaska) and is designed to receive direct broadcast satellite service, including direct-to-home satellite service, or to receive or transmit fixed wireless signals via satellite.


(2) An antenna that is one meter or less in diameter or diagonal measurement and is designed to receive video programming services via broadband radio service (wireless cable) or to receive or transmit fixed wireless signals other than via satellite.


(3) An antenna that is designed to receive local television broadcast signals. Masts higher than 12 feet above the roofline may be subject to local permitting requirements.


In addition, antennas covered by the rule may be mounted on "masts" to reach the height needed to receive or transmit an acceptable quality signal (e.g. maintain line-of-sight contact with the transmitter or view the satellite). Masts higher than 12 feet above the roofline may be subject to local permitting requirements for safety purposes. Further, masts that extend beyond an exclusive use area may not be covered by this rule.


Q: What types of restrictions are prohibited?


A: The rule prohibits restrictions that impair a person's ability to install, maintain, or use an antenna covered by the rule. The rule applies to state or local laws or regulations, including zoning, land-use or building regulations, private covenants, homeowners' association rules, condominium or cooperative association restrictions, lease restrictions, or similar restrictions on property within the exclusive use or control of the antenna user where the user has an ownership or leasehold interest in the property. A restriction impairs if it: (1) unreasonably delays or prevents use of; (2) unreasonably increases the cost of; or (3) precludes a person from receiving or transmitting an acceptable quality signal from an antenna covered under the rule. The rule does not prohibit legitimate safety restrictions or restrictions designed to preserve designated or eligible historic or prehistoric properties, provided the restriction is no more burdensome than necessary to accomplish the safety or preservation purpose.



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A different Cable Company...

(Hinsight) "Well I'm very sorry but we will be out tomorrow (Thursday) to upgrade you cable. Is there anything Else I can do for you?"

(ME) "DO you know that I have been waiting here for a tech to show up cause I was told Wednesday."

(Hinsight) "Like I said sir I'm very sorry but we will be out tomorrow (Thursday) to upgrade you cable. Is there anything Else I can do for you today?"

(ME) "No I guess not, just want my cable upgraded."

You worded your reply wrong. When they ask you that question you tell them what they can do for you. Example:



(Cable) What can I do for you today?

(You) You can compensate me for my time spent waiting. What can you offer to do that?


If they cannot or will not do so - which depends mostly on their Tech Support script (beleive me they're reading from a script or cue page) - say the following:


(Cable) *something to the effect of no can do*

(You) Transfer me to your manager.

The basic premise is you need to take control and steer the conversation. The moment they ask you what they can do for you they give you purview to tell them what that is. From there the conversation is on the logistics of making your wish happen or not happen and off of complaining about lost time, they can do little beyond (maybe) sympathize with you when all you give them is airing your greivance.
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i too have Insight.

i hate it. its all we ca get in this part of westerville.

every month i pay the bill in full and then right before its due again , they shut off my shit saying i have a past due balance of 19.18.

everyfucking month. in fact it was this morning. this has happened since we started service back in october.


try to ask them how it happpens and they cant answer it, they say the computer just shows a past due balance.


i used to time warner for 6 years and never had one problem with them.


FUCK Insight. i hope it burns.

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You worded your reply wrong. When they ask you that question you tell them what they can do for you. Example:


The basic premise is you need to take control and steer the conversation. The moment they ask you what they can do for you they give you purview to tell them what that is. From there the conversation is on the logistics of making your wish happen or not happen and off of complaining about lost time, they can do little beyond (maybe) sympathize with you when all you give them is airing your greivance.



I understand what you are saying. I have been doing that for that past 5 years. It has got me nowhere. I get kinda tired of repeating myself to them about how bad there service is and how costly it is. I once had and customer service rep tell me to get WOW but I would be back in a few months cause WOW was going under. Telling insight how it is or what you want doesn't work with a company that doesnt give two shits about their customers. I hope that VZW can run their fiber optic lines I would go with them.


In my home town (Toronto, Ohio), there used to be one cable comapny and that was it untill 2 months ago when they got bought out. The new company just ran all new Fiber optic line I belive and upgraded eveyones cable and offer Broadband. Lets hope VZW doesnt have any issues with the three Cable providers (if you want to call them that) in running new lines.

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