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ATV Trails and Tracks in Central Ohio?

Bigg Slimm

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Does anyone know of any good ATV trails or tracks in Central Ohio? I believe Honda Hills is still closed due to no insurance. I went to a place in Newark last weekend off of 79 north. It was a decent track but the trails could've been a little longer.


By the way, I ride a Yamaha Raptor 700R and a Suzuki LT-R450.

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I don't know of any place close but if you don't mind an hour or so drive to Southeast ohio you have the wayne national forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/wayne/recreation_sites/orv.html

and the Perry County APV area http://www.ohiodnr.com/forestry/forests/perry.htm

The Perry county APV area is basically an old strip mine, most of which wasn't reclaimed and its a blast. 16 miles of trails. Any type of terrain imaginable there. Steep hills, flat open areas, mud, rocks, trees. Its a playground for bikes and ATVs.

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there is Walhounding Campgrounds 30 mins east of Mount vernon, think its like 200 acres of trails or something, if your looking for a place to camp out all weekend and ride, they ride till like 1 or 2 in morning its not expensive my bro and cuz are out there almost every weekend, they allow anything on the trails from bikes, quads, bugies, trucks, hell ive even seen cars out there ehehe, just have to watch yourself later in the night cause ppl start to drink and ride.....if your interested i can get the address and number for you just pm me
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there is Walhounding Campgrounds 30 mins east of Mount vernon, think its like 200 acres of trails or something, if your looking for a place to camp out all weekend and ride, they ride till like 1 or 2 in morning its not expensive my bro and cuz are out there almost every weekend, they allow anything on the trails from bikes, quads, bugies, trucks, hell ive even seen cars out there ehehe, just have to watch yourself later in the night cause ppl start to drink and ride.....if your interested i can get the address and number for you just pm me

I'm interested.


Someone buy my Raptor.

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