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Hey, yet another ticket question


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I was pulled over tonight for speeding in Hocking County by a Sheriff. He pulled me over on SR180 for 75 in a 55, mandatory appearance since it's my second MV in a year.


He wrote on the ticket that he pulled me over on SR18, yes he forgot the 0 completely.


So, for him to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I was speeding 75 in a 55 on SR18 means this will be dropped? I was on SR180, not SR18.

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Something like that, you're probably not going to get out of it by citing "beond a resonable doubt". In th eeyes of a judge, he's going to look at that and say "Well, its obvious what was meant, and its obvious that you were doing 75mph somewhere". Plus there's the possiblility that the cop has it logged correctly somewhere.

What you might try is to move that the ticket is inadmissable as evidence because it was not properly filled out. Then it's just up to testimony. If it were a CPD traffic officer who writes 100 tickets a month, you could move that his testimony isn't admissable since there's no way he could specificaly remember your incedent. I once met an officer less then 24 hours after he responded to an accident I was involved hin, he had no idea who I was and didn't remember a damn thing about it.

You're going to need a damn good lawyer to pull those off, thoug, you're best bet would be to show up, plead not guilty, and try to haggle it down. If they wont, just plead no contest and see what you can do with the fine.

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Especially if SR18 has a lower speed limit. Like 25. Now THAT would be funny!


Anthony: "It says I was speeding on SR18, not SR180!"

Judge: "Well, I see here that SR18 is a 25mph road..."

Anthony: *gulp*

Judge: *laugh*

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I Got one today, 270 East bound between 23 and 71. late for work, 78 in a 55. He said he marked it down as only a 55mph zone and not a construction zone, so am i to assume that i dont have to pay double, that's what he was communicating to me.


What i can't figure out is, he pulled over one other vehicle besides myself. i didn't even see the cop until he was literally standing in the fast lane in front of the vehicle in front of me. How is he going to monitor two different peole when the first was more than 20 car length's ahead of me? I've never fought a ticket before but i think i will for this one. maybe he won't show up, maybe his gun wasn't calibrated that day/shift.

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The attorney thinks otherwise and that this will be beat.


Like any other charge, the evidence must be supportive that I was guilty of a moving violation while driving a green Firebird in excess of the limits on SR18. The evidence supports otherwise.


I have conference with them Friday morning, so we'll see about it :)

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I Got one today, 270 East bound between 23 and 71. late for work, 78 in a 55. He said he marked it down as only a 55mph zone and not a construction zone, so am i to assume that i dont have to pay double, that's what he was communicating to me.


What i can't figure out is, he pulled over one other vehicle besides myself. i didn't even see the cop until he was literally standing in the fast lane in front of the vehicle in front of me. How is he going to monitor two different peole when the first was more than 20 car length's ahead of me? I've never fought a ticket before but i think i will for this one. maybe he won't show up, maybe his gun wasn't calibrated that day/shift.


CPD calibrates thier radar/laser guns at the start of every shift.

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I Got one today, 270 East bound between 23 and 71. late for work, 78 in a 55. He said he marked it down as only a 55mph zone and not a construction zone, so am i to assume that i dont have to pay double, that's what he was communicating to me.


What i can't figure out is, he pulled over one other vehicle besides myself. i didn't even see the cop until he was literally standing in the fast lane in front of the vehicle in front of me. How is he going to monitor two different peole when the first was more than 20 car length's ahead of me? I've never fought a ticket before but i think i will for this one. maybe he won't show up, maybe his gun wasn't calibrated that day/shift.



You were either shot by another cop on the side of the raod and didn't see him and the one that wrote you the ticket was radioed to pull you and the other car over once you got to the second cop. Or you were Clocked by Aircraft and your two vehicles were radioed to be pulled over by the awaiting cop. Either way both cops need to be in court for them to win. something to think about.


With all these ticket threads poping up it seems to me people are getting nailed left and right, I myself, am going to take it easy for awhile. Seems like there are many tickets being issued right now......

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The attorney thinks otherwise and that this will be beat.


Of course he does; he won't get paid from the 'fund' unless you pursue this.


Having said that, the best $1000 I ever spent was to get 3 tickets I got from 17-18 years old wiped from my record, thanks to a VERY good traffic lawyer.

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I'll also mention that I had a speeding ticket dropped on a technicality last year.


I was pulled over by Franklin County in my dad's car for doing 46 in a 35. It was dropped because they listed a blue Chevy on the ticket and I was driving a silver Buick.

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