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supervisor gone bad!


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Sooo...i went to school today and sat with all the usually people i always do. and i heard some conversation going on behind me about our Automotive Tech supervisor, Not our teacher! But they were saying how gross it was that he did that, so i finailly asked them what the fuck is going on with Mr. Freeze. There like you didnt hear.....NOPE.. the supervisor RAPED A 15yr old BOY that went to this school, tolles career and technical school. how fucking gay can people be. come on, more and more and more adults are raping younger kids, but ITS A BOY! thats fucking gross, im glad hes going to jail. damn. Basterd
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that's really sad. Unfortuently sexual predators have always been around and doing the sick shit that they do its only been brought to light here in the past years thanks to the Internet and media.


What really needs to happen is the laws need to be changed/revised so that if you are convicted you never see the light of day again.

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Fuck that, I am not paying taxes so fuck nuts like this can sit in prison and eat 3 meals a day, watch cable tv. Cut off their dick make them register as sex offenders, have pink licence plates, print "Sexual Predator" large as fuck on their drivers licence, it can never happen again..... You know the whole "Scarlet Letter" type of thing.
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Guest FooFooMaru

It does seem weird that people that are caught Drinking and Driving are given Yellow plates, why not give sexual offenders or killers a different type of license plate. But in some of those cases, those PEOPLE regret and i'm sure are deeply sorry and maybe there was some part that you don't know about that MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT change the way you look at it. Not all situations, but some maybe.


Sucks, either.

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Yup, i used to go out to Tolles, then went back to London, didnt like tolles at all. And yes, i heard about what happend. He also used to be the counsler out at the middle school when i was in 8th grade. The funny thing is, i just saw him a couple days ago at wal-mart. I always thought he was weird for some reason, i guess now i know.....
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I just read in the paper that there was another school shooting in Missouri...no one was injured though... it's amazing how many school shootings have occured since Columbine, or I should say how many that have been publicized since Columbine...I mean honestly what is wrong with kids anymore...you can only accuse society for things so long...shit like is a result of dysfunctional family environments... and even if they don't come from a dysfunctional family, kids need to learn how to channel their aggression in other ways then taking a gun to school...


and all these sexual preditors are sick and a majority of the time were sexually abused during their development...it's a vicious cycle... I think they should all be castrated b/c it's a problem that is so deeply ingrained in their character that they will keep doing it over and over again. That or let them be placed with all criminals in jail instead of seperating them and let the people in jail kill them... child molestors and rapists are the first to go...

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That's exactly why my son and daughter are going to follow in my footsteps and practice Ju-Jitsu starting at a very young age. I was never a big kid but at age 15 / 142lbs, I was very able to take out 220lb guy no matter how old. I started at age 12 and will never stop. Great for the mind and body.


that's really sad. Unfortuently sexual predators have always been around and doing the sick shit that they do its only been brought to light here in the past years thanks to the Internet and media.
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is that a mandate....'cause I don't see too many of those plates and I know there are a shit load of drivers that have been caught.


It does seem weird that people that are caught Drinking and Driving are given Yellow plates, why not give sexual offenders or killers a different type of license plate. But in some of those cases, those PEOPLE regret and i'm sure are deeply sorry and maybe there was some part that you don't know about that MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT change the way you look at it. Not all situations, but some maybe.


Sucks, either.

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is that a mandate....'cause I don't see too many of those plates and I know there are a shit load of drivers that have been caught.


no i think it's for repeat offender's. and even at that, most of the time if you have a really good lawyer he'll be able to at least get you out of that.

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