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Since I can't post it in Garage Sale threads

El Karacho1647545492

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it has nothing to do with the Wii being a piece of shit. It has everything to do with supply ABSOLUTELY meeting demand. The only reason that not everyone that wants a Wii got one at launch is because they want a little bit of extra tension. They want people to see the lines, its good for business. They are, however separating themseleves from the PS3 assfuckers which is delightful.


on a related note, sony can suck my big sweaty cock.

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you know, lets make this the official "bitch about a for sale thread"


if you have something to say about someone being a dumbass in a for sale thread, and you don't wanna get banned for posting something in their thread, post it here and just link the thread.

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What genius is gonna try and sell a Wii for anything above sticker price.



4 million units by the end of the year. If you pay more than sticker price, someone should beat you senseless with the fucking nunchuck.



so I take it you will not be bidding on my ebay auction then. :)


I read 2 millions sold by the end of the year which is still a high number but will it meet the demand for it for christmas.


the going price on ebay is ranging from $350 to $450 for the base system. I have mine at $400 if it sells great and made $150 with minual effort. If not it will be sold at cost to a freind of a freinds boy that saved up for it but hasn't been able to get one yet.


If that falls through I hve been offered a little over cost for my time for it as well.


so If I make some money great if not oh well.

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because somewhere someone will pay over sticker. one can always drop the price, but going up is harder to do. I sell stuff on craigslist and ebay all the time. even have my own online bookstore and sell crap there every week for whatever I post it at. crazy, but good for me :)



What genius is gonna try and sell a Wii for anything above sticker price.


4 million units by the end of the year. If you pay more than sticker price, someone should beat you senseless with the fucking nunchuck.

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