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Car got egged (suggestions?)

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And I'm surprisingly I'm not too pissed.


Tonight after I returning home from work, I noticed that my Towncar had some odd new 'paint' to it. Apon further inspection I noticed that someone had egged my car. A number of my neighbors had also been egged, four other cars I believe so i'm assuming it's just some punkass kid.


It got hit on the windshield, the hood and hit pretty bad on the driver side. (No pictures sorry ha) One problem that I ran into was, it's forzen solid against my car. I'm assuming that my car had been egged well in advance of me finding it. I went out with the old warm water, towel and a scrub brush. But it just won't come off.


I'm not even sure exactly what to do to get rid of the egg on the car to begin with, I understand that it is best to get rid of the egg immediatly but are their any tricks of the trade to egg removal? I apologize for the n00b question just need some tips. Fortunitly this car dosen't mean a whole heep to me and any damage done is a, 'oh well it was only 600 dollars' mind setting.


I'd just like to know moreso what to do in case a situation like this happens again. Gah, that was alot of writing just for a simple question.

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My car was egged once, I took it straight to the carwash and got most of it off. Although it might be hard to get yours off since its frozen on there. Maybe try some goo-gone?
That's almost what I've been thinking. A buddy of mine suggested purple something but I can't exactly remember what it was called. I have work in the morning so I guess I'm going to have to let it sit overnight. :( I worked at trying to get it off for a good 15 minutes.


I'm just happy this is my literal beater and not my pride and joy. So I guess in all this I have one thing to be happy about. :shrug:

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yeah good thing it wasn't an expensive car, my celica got egged and to this day theres 2 egg marks on it although not very noticeable.

heh, my car is the epitome of beater, it gets me from point A to point B and that is it, nothing else. Just another reason why I love it. I feel bad for my neighbors at this point, a few really nice cars got scored some serious hits.

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My cobra got edded, but it was just egg.. they mixed something in with it, cause the stuff would come off and some of it wouldn't come off, so my guess was paint thinner or something..
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Egg is corrosive to paint. Just like bird shit and it needs to be neutralized with baking soda to keep it from doing more damage to the paint. Once it is washed off with hot water, use a baking sode and water solution to neutrualize the acid in it. DO NOT USE GOO GONE ON A PAINTED SURFACE UNLESS YOU WANT TO REMOVE THE PAINT!!!!!!


Once it's neutralized you can buff the area with a fine rubbing compound if the paint is marred and get it cleaned up then polish the car with a good car polish, then wax the car. If you do not get the acid off the paint first all the rest of that will just seal the acid against the paint and make it worse.

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