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Seriously, what are they thinking

El Karacho1647545492

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Oh get real people. It's probably an artist's rendering or something like that. I'd be willing to bet that photo chopped image was made by someone who's only affiliation to Ford is the Explorer they drive to work.


Ford isn't that stupid. They aren't going to ruin the name of the only icon they have.

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It won't happen......this idea has been batted around w/ the mustang since the 60's. And remember when the Probe was going to be the next Mustang? People will start to call and write Ford if this even shows a glimmer of hope. I'm sure those letters have already been sent.
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Needs a ladder/fishing boat rack on top, and a trailer hitch. A big Rebel flag in the back window, along with a Red Man or Skoal sticker, would be the crowning touch..,
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Fuckin hell, whay can't they just keep it "Falcon"? Of all fucking things, why not call it something OTHER then mustang.

Ford hates the mustang, trues story. In the late 80s, the probe platform was almost called "the new Mustang".


welcome to last week......on the probe..........."Ford hates the Mustang" um okay

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Guest StealthECOtec

there's an update on CNNs article that Ford says they wont do it.



i googled "mustang wagon" and found a few other funny images too.



There's also the old estate wagon, but it was still a two door.

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