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know whats weird?

cptn janks

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oh, you mean the ones that the national guard brought in FIVE days after the storm hit (saturday)? yeah those would have been pretty good. but you know, they would have worked even better on SUNDAY before the storm hit.


The buses would have worked better before the storm... maybe Ray Nagen should have thought about that instead of letting them sit and go under water.

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Exactly Dr Rick, Nothing was done by the local or state government to even attempt to move people out of there. They probably could have easily done it but then again the hurricane could have easily turned and missed the area. I don't like all the looking back and bitching about what should have been done because last I checked we weren't the people in charge. Sure the ones in charge didn't do anything and FEMA's job was done perfectly after there was an emergency to attend to (Federal Emergency Management Agency.)

I am part of the OEMA and at meetings we do not discuss how we are going to get everyone out of town when the terrorists are about to set off a nuke. We discuss how we can better handle the situations that arise in the aftermath ie getting first responders in position, getting emergency communication up with those first responders, casualty assement and treatment, and infatructor damage assement for the saftey of the affected zones. No where in that list is get the buses gased up for a mass exidous the day before an event and OEMA and FEMA are not the agencies to plan that type of event. Sure they could probably set up field communications and activate the emergency broadcast network, but everyone knows that system can be activated on a moments noticed and is tested all the time. Basically the comm room for OEMA consists of one man running radios to listen to what the field posts are requesting and then dispatch the correct services.



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if you live 14 feet below sea level and you don't leave when they tell you its going to flood you deserve to be fucked....


I'd donate to a save the cattle fund why becuase I fucking like steak, I wouldn't give a penny to any idiot who thinks its cool to live below sea level and then can't understand why it floods when hit by a large hurricane

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why is it the state's responsibility to move anyone? the people living there knew for weeks that a hurricane was coming


the government should have left the whole city underwater instead dumping billions into that rat infested cesspool...


I agree.. self responsibility should be first and foremost. But then again... what do I know I am a racist, right?


Just an observation... I would say the vast majority of the people I seen in the dome had two feet and were not disabled... so most did have transportation, the Hush Puppy express.

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Guest Mushijobah
I'm glad they were sent to work on the pipeline rather than sending power to a city that was underwater. H20 and electrons don't mix well. Well, they do, but this isn't physics.
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Maybe a few hundred school buses would have helped... I forgot they got flooded too.
...because Mayor Nagin didn't do his fucking job, ie; having a comprehensive evac plan in place. He let his constituents down, period. That, and the peoples' own inaction, doomed many residents of the city.


The Governor did no better.

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How come about 2 years ago when the Ohio river rose something like 20 feet in two hours, putting Marietta and surrounding cities under water that went way above the 100 year flood level, NOBODY made a big fuss about it? They had no warning it was coming, it just happened. Half of Marietta, including the historical downtown area was completely underwater.


So why didn't they get any federal help? The people there didn't mind coming together to help each other out, instead of killing each other over some heineken.

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I have been to that area to assist with cleanup. The thing that struck me most is that I drove 18 hours to come down and swing a hammer for a week and most of the people that live there just sit and watch us work. At some point, you have to stop pointing your finger, YOU moved to the coast, YOU live in a hurricane prone area. It isn't the fault of the government that YOU live there. If you are told that you need to leave, you should.


I just watched the HD special on the Lower 9th ward, the council was told 3 days prior to the hurricane that a 30 foot wall of water would hit them (it was the federal government that told them). Not everyone left, not everyone watched out for everyone else. The water did make it above the 20' mark in some places.


I guess what I am saying is, don't wait for someone to do something for you, sometimes you have to get off of your ass and get it done.

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Guest Mushijobah
I have been to that area to assist with cleanup. The thing that struck me most is that I drove 18 hours to come down and swing a hammer for a week and most of the people that live there just sit and watch us work. At some point, you have to stop pointing your finger, YOU moved to the coast, YOU live in a hurricane prone area. It isn't the fault of the government that YOU live there. If you are told that you need to leave, you should.


I just watched the HD special on the Lower 9th ward, the council was told 3 days prior to the hurricane that a 30 foot wall of water would hit them (it was the federal government that told them). Not everyone left, not everyone watched out for everyone else. The water did make it above the 20' mark in some places.


I guess what I am saying is, don't wait for someone to do something for you, sometimes you have to get off of your ass and get it done.


End of discussion.


Normal Americans: 1

Katrina: 1

New Orleans: 0



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