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OSU Sucked!


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"Honestly, we've played a lot better teams than them," Moss said. "I could name four or five teams in the SEC that could probably compete with them and play the same type of game we did against them."


How cute, a Nat'l Championship AND class.

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"Honestly, we've played a lot better teams than them," Moss said. "I could name four or five teams in the SEC that could probably compete with them and play the same type of game we did against them."



I hate when teams do that. Just take the win. :rolleyes:

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"Honestly, we've played a lot better teams than them," Moss said. "I could name four or five teams in the SEC that could probably compete with them and play the same type of game we did against them."


How cute, a Nat'l Championship AND class.



acting just like their fans

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So this is the part were everyone who loved OSU turns on them, and says how embarrassed they are to be OSU fans? Ya know, how everyone ran their mouths before, and now bitches about the teams and refs, as if they have any right to bitch any anyone.

I don't think I saw anyone here on the field, did I? The players played to the best of their abilities, that's all you can ask for, take it and like it, or find another team. FL was just better, by allot apparently.


"Honestly, we've played a lot better teams than them," Moss said. "I could name four or five teams in the SEC that could probably compete with them and play the same type of game we did against them."


How cute, a Nat'l Championship AND class.

Is he lying? Godamn right it was classy. Can you imagine what OSU fans would be saying if the scores were reversed? You couldn't publish 70% of it. Don't think for a second that the players wouldn't be cocky and running their mouths about 20pts.

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my game summary:


-the early personal fouls did not help out at all and more so, i stand by the fact that the 2nd FL TD should not have been counted


-defensive coordinator needs fired, going 3-4 man rush on a completely passing reliant team is bad, but it's horrendous that the plan was never changed, stop the Leak, you stop the Gators


-Teddy came out early, was he really hurt? or does he just not want to injure himself and threaten a draft pick? personally i can't blame him, i wouldn't want my fingerprints on that trainwreck of a game either


-Troy was awful, and it's no excuse that the line was collapsing around him, that was one of his strong points, that he was MOBILE, he waddled around in the back field and followed Gonzo wherever he went, his throws were inaccurate and poor


-As for the rest of the team, absolutely no heart, you could see it in their plays...i dunno if some of hem have already checked-out becuase of they are going to be drafted to the NFL or they were just jaded by being #1 but they looked like they didn't care.

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OSU Sucks!




I think it's hilarious how everyone is either pissed off at OSU because they talked them up so much and now they lost.. or how everyone is making up excuses for the team like, OH troy smith was playing bad and our defense sucks. Well no shit.. OSU is horrible. Everyone just talks so much shit and when it comes down to it.. they just outright suck ass. I can't wait to see how many jump on floridas new found bandwagon.

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my game summary:


-the early personal fouls did not help out at all and more so, i stand by the fact that the 2nd FL TD should not have been counted


-defensive coordinator needs fired, going 3-4 man rush on a completely passing reliant team is bad, but it's horrendous that the plan was never changed, stop the Leak, you stop the Gators


-Teddy came out early, was he really hurt? or does he just not want to injure himself and threaten a draft pick? personally i can't blame him, i wouldn't want my fingerprints on that trainwreck of a game either


-Troy was awful, and it's no excuse that the line was collapsing around him, that was one of his strong points, that he was MOBILE, he waddled around in the back field and followed Gonzo wherever he went, his throws were inaccurate and poor


-As for the rest of the team, absolutely no heart, you could see it in their plays...i dunno if some of hem have already checked-out becuase of they are going to be drafted to the NFL or they were just jaded by being #1 but they looked like they didn't care.



I don't know enough about foot ball to argue it, but this is the same game I watched, before I fell asleep in the 3rd.


I've never understood spending $x,xxx to watch a game. To each their own. I still like the Bucks, but this was the worst game I have ever seen.

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Today is great I see nobody in red anymore, hats were replaced with brushed hair, normal coats were worn, jeans are a staple today for dress. Ahhhh I don't have to see every tom, dick, harry, and jane fucking wearing Scarlet and Gray. My coffee tastes better today, the air smells sweeter. Goddamn misery loves company. Cheers OSU fans.
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That might be the worst I have ever seen an Ohio State team play. Since Ginn olny played I think one series. That really hurt the offence. no deep threat at all. And of course hurt the special teams. The offence was lost without him.


Why did the Ref's not use the sticks to messure the close 4 down and the other close down's? It always use to be if it is close it use to be messured.

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Since Ginn olny played I think one series. That really hurt the offence. no deep threat at all. And of course hurt the special teams. The offence was lost without him.



That is laughable, can ginn run a 4 sec 60 yard post? The deep threat was not there because Troy couldn't sit in the pocket long enough to let a "deep threat" develop..... Seriously did some of you watch the same game as I did?

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Today is great I see nobody in red anymore, hats were replaced with brushed hair, normal coats were worn, jeans are a staple today for dress. Ahhhh I don't have to see every tom, dick, harry, and jane fucking wearing Scarlet and Gray. My coffee tastes better today, the air smells sweeter. Goddamn misery loves company. Cheers OSU fans.


Not me! Buckeyes play wisconsin tonight and it should be a very good game, tough, but good!

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Do you hear the thundering sound of all the OSU fans jumping off of the band wagon?


Atleast now when i fly I don't have to put up with the moron shouting "O H" as we board the plane back to Columbus from Charlotte or Dallas or Atlanta or Pittsburgh or Philly or...


A few comments/opinions.

If Ginn had played, the game might have been closer but he doesn't play on Defense and OSU didn't have the D for Florida.


If we take back the Florida TD, we need to take back Ginn's first play because the HOLD was never called that allowed him to get by.

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