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Slowmotion Admin and Mod


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Cory, this is not a personal attack on you or the shop. I am not trying to offend or upset you. The people that surround you and make choices on your shop’s forum are making you and Slowmotion look bad.



Dear Slowmotion Moderators and Administers:


You think just because you ban me for voicing my opinion that you are going to quiet me down or get rid of me, think again.


You allow the mods to voice their opinion but as soon as some disagrees with them or makes them look stupid; you call it high school drama and delete pages of threads.


I once had respect for Slowmotion but every time one of my threads or post was erased you slowly erased all the respect I had for you.


So now I have a challenge for all of Slowmotion. I am calling out every Mod/Admin to race me this summer in your personal car from a 20 roll, hell I’ll even race Cory’s hatch if that ever gets put back together.



How you like me now,

Jonathan Linn

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Linn why I couldnt agree with you more, you have to realize that lots of things were taken out of contents. It was a matter of time before that got deleted, and you know as much as I that any thread that ends up like that gets deleted on every fourm. You hand more to say then most hence why you got banned. (Which I dont think you should have but something needed done to end that thread). You also have to realize that its a fourm linked to a business, where certain threads might have impact upon a customer therefore topics that get out of hand need deleted and people who cause problems need banned. While you dont have to respect people who take their car to slowmotion and people on there fourm, you should respect the people that work there while on the fourm. Granted I myself dont like many people on that board or like many people that take ther ecar there. Howerever I do like and respect all those who work there. All though you probably dont knwo who I am, dont let this type of shit bother you, you shouldnt even waste your time talking to half those people on that fourm anyway.
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I have respect for Cory and the cars that have come out of slowmotion. What I don’t have respect for is the amount of censorship that has gone on, which in turn made me lose respect for the people that control that board. This happens to be some of the employees of slowmotion.


Like i said before this is in no way an attack on slowmotion as a shop

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Yes, they also found it necessary to ban and edit/deleted most of my posts on that forum because I was simply defending myself after being personally called out and attacked on the forum. Although they edited/deleted almost everyone of my posts they didn't do a thing to the person who was talking shit...and a few of the Mods on that sight are fools...
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i was reading in the dyno section on the slowmotion forum and in this thread they were talking about how they also dyno mustang. i then posted telling them that the same mustang was retuned by dyno brian and made ~30 more rwhp. with in about 20 mins the whole thread was gone.


its dumb shit like this that i dont understand.

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If you people could make a honest effort to contribute to the tech section or honestly help regularly asked questions on this forum us mods would be alot more happy about the other 100 random/useless posts that goes on around here.


Please realize that this is a Shop Forum. We are here to help OUR customers and help people in the right direction. We are trying to point these people/Customers in the right direction so they will be happy with the end result with the way they spend their money. If you don't ever want anything to do with Slowmotion Motorsports, Leave! Simple as that.


Then why have general discusion forums, if its general dicussion what does that have to do with the shop. if you what the site to be gear toward the tech section then why are you now talking about making a PIC and Video section so people can post random videos.

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Then why have general discusion forums, if its general dicussion what does that have to do with the shop. if you what the site to be gear toward the tech section then why are you now talking about making a PIC and Video section so people can post random videos.


The video section was brought up by a member not a mod on the fourm. And it will never happen. Fact is they own the site if you dont like how they handle it, dont go on it. Since neither of you know people on the other side of the key board, you cant tell who is posting just to start shit.(aka "Get Some". Plus cavin some people made civilized comments about your car, not talking shit what so ever and you attacked them. Therefore other people on that site will tend to attack you off the bat. Take the internet and e-thugs for what there worth. And Linn your suprised that your mustang post got deleted. Why? I would have view like you were trying to start shit too. Im sure they dont care if they ever have to tune another mustang. Can they? yeah, can other people tune mustang's better? hell ya ofcourse. Im sure they would say the same thing. Plus when your comapring dyno numbers it means absolutly shit. let me see a trap speed diffrence. Dont get me wrong Im not disagreeign with how it was handled, but just showign a diffrent point of view.

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Linn why I couldnt agree with you more, you have to realize that lots of things were taken out of contents. It was a matter of time before that got deleted, and you know as much as I that any thread that ends up like that gets deleted on every fourm. You hand more to say then most hence why you got banned. (Which I dont think you should have but something needed done to end that thread). You also have to realize that its a fourm linked to a business, where certain threads might have impact upon a customer therefore topics that get out of hand need deleted and people who cause problems need banned. While you dont have to respect people who take their car to slowmotion and people on there fourm, you should respect the people that work there while on the fourm. Granted I myself dont like many people on that board or like many people that take ther ecar there. Howerever I do like and respect all those who work there. All though you probably dont knwo who I am, dont let this type of shit bother you, you shouldnt even waste your time talking to half those people on that fourm anyway.



I think your English is broken. You should have someone look at it.

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Please just STFU.....dont you have something better to do than proof read someone's reply?


Move on!




Dan, if that guy's making a good point no one would know because his posts (in this thread) are impossible to read. Note: reading involves comprehending the idea that the reader is trying to convey (easily, clearly?). It's not the grammar. A grammar issue would involve small problems with how, where or when individual words are used. This is a complete lack of sentence structure and logic. Proofreading is to catch mistakes, not mutilations of the English language and the inability to convey logical thoughts.

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So now I have a challenge for all of Slowmotion. I am calling out every Mod/Admin to race me this summer in your personal car from a 20 roll, hell I’ll even race Cory’s hatch if that ever gets put back together.


So racing every Mod/Admin is going to do what? :rolleyes:


You're still going to be banned even if you beat them, so what would this prove?

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lol cross-forum drama


Linn, create your own goddamn forum if you're sick of getting banned. There is no guarantee of freedom of expression on a privately owned site, much less when that site is owned and operated under the name of a business that has a reputation to uphold. If you mentioned that another person or place was able to do a better tune on a mustang, I would EXPECT them to delete that comment/thread. Whether or not your comments were intended to target Slowmotion's reputation, its how the comments are recieved by the mods/admins and the other members of the board that shows the real meaning that they carry. In other words, you may mean well, but if you're being recieved as hostile, its easier for you to change the way you express your ideas.


Slowmotion guys; you did a SHIT TON to help me and Barua on that blue turd, the Daytona for which I will forever be greatful. I'm not a member on your board, but it seems like in some cases, taking some of Linn's comments in stride would be slightly easier than censoring the hell out of him and banning. Shit, locking a thread is pretty easy and people don't tend to take notice to locked threads that much. Just think about it.


Can we end this interforum drama, because it gets really lame when you start getting flame wars like "SLOWMOTION.COM SUCKS, COLUMBUSRACING.COM IS TEH GREATEST AND COLUMBUSSTREETRACING.COM IS TEH LOSE"

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