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Whats the most recommended Computer Magazine?


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I have been getting the "Computer Shopper" magazine for many years, back to the days when it was so big and thick that you could almost kill someone with it. lol


The past 2 years I haven't been that impressed with the magazine, it just keeps getting smaller and smaller and more and more ads. I like the format and the way it is written but it just seems like they don't care as much as they did 2-3 years ago.


My subscription is about up and I am in the market to get a new computer magazine that has great tech articles, good reviews, maybe a little humor, not worded for the beginner and I'm not looking for a gamer mag either.


What do you guys suggest?



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PC World is boring. They are the wine tasters of the computer world. The write about things that no one wants to read about, and they seem to be stuck in 1998 in Styling. To be honest with you, there may not be any good computer magazines left. The ones I read now are gaming ones, like Games for Windows.


2600 is a good magazine if you are a hacker.

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