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Election day is almost here


Do you know who you're voting for?  

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Do you know who you're going to vote for?

I don't care who, I just want to know if you know who you're going to vote for.

We already voted. Gotta love the absentee mail-in ballot. No pressure.

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If you don't know who you are voting for by now, you shouldn't vote. You obviously have not been paying enough attention to know the issues and would simply be casting a ballot for probably the wrong reasons.

I don't know. While I personally think one choice, only counting McCain and Obama, is the lesser of 2 evils, taking into account that they are both not great choices can have some sitting the fence.

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I don't know. While I personally think one choice, only counting McCain and Obama, is the lesser of 2 evils, taking into account that they are both not great choices can have some sitting the fence.

That'd be me. I still haven't decided if its better to vote for one of them, none of them or not at all. :confused: In the end, it probably doesn't matter. I don't see either candidate taking this country in the right direction (I hope I'm wrong!)..

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I don't know. While I personally think one choice, only counting McCain and Obama, is the lesser of 2 evils, taking into account that they are both not great choices can have some sitting the fence.

agreed, i know who i am voting for but considering our choices i wouldnt degrade anyone for not knowing who they are voting for at this point in the election process

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I'm still waiting for one or the other to screw up and say or do something incredibly stupid. Plenty of time left for that. Not to mention the media is holding back the big guns for the day before and the day of voting... We'll see...

Remember, half (more or less) of everything you hear and read is false.

Only half have it right, the other half is wrong.

And remember it's not over till all the screaming, crying, threats, suits, claims, counter-claims, investigations, gloating, and pay-offs are done...Which, considering the American political climate, is almost never.

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I'm still waiting for one or the other to screw up and say or do something incredibly stupid. Plenty of time left for that. Not to mention the media is holding back the big guns for the day before and the day of voting... We'll see...

This was kind of my reason for waiting as well. Information can change things up until I HAVE to make a decision.

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I was/am hoping the absentee and early voting procedures will make for an in-and-out stop at the polls on Tuesday for me. I'm voting the day of because I figured everyone else might've gone early.

We'll see if that gamble pays off on Tuesday.

I'll be interested to see if this is how it ends up as well. I went Tuesday and the line was obscenely long..... maybe it will be pretty quick on the 4th!

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I hate them both, but am voting for McCain, Though I feel it may be a worthless effort, cause I'm pretty sure McCain is voting for Obama.

'Change' does not mean change for the better. government heathcare will end up like the DMV and social security. The government gives us the LOWEST possible quality product for an insane price, they always have. There is no one who keeps goverment programs in check, they can run wild and dont have to account for a damn thing, the goverment itsn't going to punish itself for dicking up a program or screwing stuff up... so I dont agree with obama wanting to do more goverment programs etc, and if he increases taxes on oil and businesses, they will pass that tax increase onto us in their products and services, or lay people off. I dont like McCains plans eithor, but I have been wieghing them both in and looking over what each of them has proposed, and I think Obama's plan is worse.

Edited by 12oclocker
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