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kids hair


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I let my kids have their hair their way. Last thing I need it my kid getting picked on because he doesn't look right. I get to win other battles.


To be honest, I think if you have long hair you will either be picked on or belong in that crowd which accepts it (whichever that is, i dont know). I don't think boys get picked on very often for having a regular short haircut.

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I don't mean to profile, but you are 16, and probably emo.


Make them get their haircut, don't let them evolve into the teenage dirt bags I have to go to school with everyday.


EMO? FUCK NO! Definitely not, more or less listen to 60's and 70's music, that offends me, EMO! Emo kids are gay, they cry about life and cut themself and just act like little bitches wearing mommys pants.

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way back when i was a young'un i had long hair and it started talking to me at night. it told me "go smoke reefer and listen to Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix and rebel against your elders! you know what's good for you, and you and me are gonna run away from home. and then you'll dye me blue and we'll take over the world!"



seriously, what the fuck is with people getting their panties in a bunch over a goddamn kid's haircut. My hair has gone through a billion different styles and colors. yeah, i fucking turned my hair red. you know why? because when i was 15, i realized that my hair is gonna be all fucking gone one day and i might as well abuse the hell out of it while i've still got it. and right now it's long, not because i'm a godforsaken hippie bostonian potsmoker, but because i got really lazy and haven't gotten the cojones to spend $15 on a haircut.


let your kids do what they want. life is short and its not like they're ever gonna start growing more hair....on their head.

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i was called a hippi at work for about a year when i had long hair, thats when I decided to ditch that shit, i hate hippies





anyways i really do not have any imput on this, as long as they are not wearing makeup or girls jeans like in that video i think you will be fine.

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We always kept my 2 sons hair "off the collar", however my hair when I was in high school was shoulder length. But that was a different time..and not to sound conceited but when you're 6'3" 230lbs and on top physical shape from playing every damn sport your school offers, not too many people say shit to you. My parents let me dress and such as I liked because I got decent grades and played sports and didn't do drugs or smoke etc...

If you want to shape kids, don't worry about their hair....make them pull their god damn pant's up over their ass! that's the stupidest looking shit I have ever seen in my life, looks like they took a shit in their pants.

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I hope people in this thread that are talking about controlling something as innate as their kids hair cuts don't have kids/never have kids so their kids aren't as dumb as they are. Just because daddy didn't love you enough to let you have your hair the way you wanted it and held you down to cut it after smacking you around and calling you a fagot for having long hair doesn't mean you need to do it to your kids. Go get some therapy.
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If you don't really have a big deal with it I'd let them be.


I used to have long hair when I was younger, my hair is still a little shaggy, just b/c I'm too lazy to get it cut. I do look back now and think of how dorky I was, but that was how my friends and I were. My dad used to want me to get it cut, it just made me even more determinded.

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if the kids are doing well in school and arent little hellraisers, let them do what they wish


I agree. Hair is hair. Let them wear it how they want, for the most part. No matter how they wear it now, they will look back in 10+ years and go "What the hell was I thinking?" :p


And just remember that when they get older and if they want a real job, they'll have to cut it. You can't go looking like a fruitcake your whole life... :D

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