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So, i have to be at work at 9. I usually leave my house at 8:40, I left today at 8:10 and made it about 20 feet out of my garage before being stuck. It took me 15 minutes and the help of 3 neighbor's to push me back into my garage. I was thinking about staying home from work yesterday but I still went in b/c there was some stuff I had to get done. My lazy ass is staying home today.


Anyone else call in?

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So it took me 20minutes of shoveling, and rocking my car back/forth to get out of my PARKING SPACE, to only get about 40feet down my apt complex parking lot and get stuck, tried for another 30min and said fuck it, wrote a note w/ my number and left it. I called AAA and the lady said, sorry, we can't help you since your lot isn't plowed in the past 24hrs, i was like WHAT THE FUCK DO I PAY FOR THEN, and she hung up.




The wife had to work today, so I had to get up at 5am to help her get MY car out for 30minutes, luckily she made it to work in Hilliard.

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