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Does your temper get out of control


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I used to be the dumb frat boy who would go to bars and get into fights over stupid stuff. Another fraternity brother and I would talk before we went out for the night and say "you talkin or throwin" Meaning one of us would get pissed off at someone for something stupid, then the other would come in and start fighting. After a few bar fights, I really calmed down. Not much really pisses me off enough anymore to want to fight. If someone tries to start something anymore, I usually just talk my way out of it, then walk away laughing to myself at how dumb the whole situation is.


I honestly feel that fighting is completely immature except for a few exceptions (defending someone else from physical attack, etc). Over the summer I witnessed my ex gf's father, who was upper management of a very large national drug company get in a fist fight with a young guy at a bar over something really stupid and realized how dumb he looked. Haven't thought about fighting since.


So no, my temper does not get out of control anymore

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yeah but i wouldn't say that's 'blowing up' or overreacting. Your girl decided to whore it up and you "friend" tried to take advantage. you reacted accordingly. hope your not still friends with that guy.


you kidding? no girl is worth the friendship i've got with him. Kid didn't remember exactly what happened the next morning, but he knew he'd fucked up and apologized. Besides, people do crazy shit when they're drunk.




Not to mention I dumped the bitch 2 days later :D

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I am a very easy going guy that loves to have fun but in all honesty I have been dealing with severe anger issues since around 10 or 12 years old. I dont know why, and I had a great childhood so thats not it. I spent a great deal of time throughout junior high and high school suspended for fighting and stupid shit. I was always in trouble and didnt care. When I met my girlfriend almost four years ago all of my anger issues totally went away. That lasted for about two years. I have never and never will be physical towards her but the way I get pissed and the things I say to her are very harsh sometimes. I am still on a daily basis dealing with my anger and yes there have been recent times that things have resorted to violence. I am ashamed of it because I am not a immature high school kid that just fights when he gets mad. The only thing that is really different now than five years ago is that now I try to really think about my actions and the situation before I react, I am getting better and I cant stand to live my life like this. Especially now that I am waiting to leave for the military.
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I know ive punched a few things... but now im going into MMA, so i can use all my built up anger to beat the bageezus out out of another man, in a controled invironment, and without consquence.


Yea im primal like that... alpha male stuff.

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I have internal "demons"(thats what my therapist calls it). Thats why I have the spawn avatar. I used to get stressed out real bad and snap. Lifting weights and boxing helps me to get rid of built up frustration before it blows up. I havnt had an episode in a few years (knock on wood).
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