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Comments onWalmart on Morse Rd...someone shit on the floor there


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Well I was at the Wal Mart on Morse road tonight. I try to avoid the place at all costs. But my gf needed a few prescriptions filled and they have some they will fill for $4.00.


Anyway when I get there and am walking around I hear a page about a maintence man with a scrubber is needed in front of the womans bathroom. So about 45 minutes later we are leaving any there wet floor signs with shit on the floor. I guess the maintence man never showed up. I am not sure what happened exactly..lol



This Wal Mart has to be one of the worse ones around for cleaness and service btw. I am not sure why becuase Easton is across the street and seems like a differnt world across the street. Every time I have been there I get stuck in line forever because people dont buy the correct items for WIC or have problems with there welfare card etc.. Anyboy else have experiences like this?

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Fuck walmart. Especially the one on Morse Rd. I've been there 3 times since I've lived in Gahanna. All 3 times sucked ass. That doesn't suprise me though about that. Stated above, it's basically welfare and VERY low income people who shop there.
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The Morse road wal-mart is consistently filled with the worst of columbus. The first time I was in there I didn't feel safe until I found the shotgun shells I was looking for. The second and last time I was there was with Mensen. We walked through the door, looked around, and said fuck this, we're going to Target across the street.


I don't enjoy going to wal mart, but will go there only if i really need to, but I will not return to that one.

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Sams Club/Walmart on Morse are terrible. Some Mexicans stole my wifes cart the last time she went there, which was a couple of years ago. They needed a cart, she had one and she left it unattended so they shoved all of her items onto the shelves and made off with the cart! I refuse to go to the Sams Club next to it as well because I have gotten several things there that had to be returned as they were broken when I got them home. I drive the extra 15min to either Reynoldsburg or to Sawmill/Bethel.
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I only go to WalMart for motor oil. I like the 5 quart jugs of Mobil 1 not really because they're a couple bucks cheaper, but because I waste less packaging. One jug is much better than 5 individual bottles. Otherwise, I’d rather pay the $0.25 more per quart to shop at Auto Zone.
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Guest 78novaman
Oh god yes that wal mart is terrible. People are so dumb and the lot is always packed, I don't understand :confused: Even that Target across the street is going ghetto. Prediction: in 4-5 years Easton is going to be the next Northland. I'm seeing more and more shaddy types walking around every time I'm out there.
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I'd rather spend a day in Baghdad unarmed and dressed in clothes made out of an American flag than an hour in that hellhole. Somehow the gay population that's buying up all the property downtown and renovating it is pushing the ghetto population out to the burbs, and the area around Morse seems to be getting a real good portion of it.
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walmart on morse = little somailia


i hate the fact that the only thing the cashiers can say is how much i owe for my bill, and if i ask one of them something, they just say "i dont know"


plus, its the 1st of the month...what did you expect :D???

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I only go to walmart when I want to feel better about my life...


I cringe when I am anywhere near that walmart. My gf and I went there last sunday to get a key made. The line was so long that my gf decided we should just leave and not pay. So I followed her out the door =P

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Wal-Mart......it reminds you that capitalism and socialism can co-exist.


I find it funny that Wal-mart tries to show that they "care" about their communities......however, they never build Wal-Mart's in the "rougher" areas. If they built a Wal-Mart in Northern lights......that place would EXPLODE with business(and jobs)

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We really only go to wal-mart for formual for the boys.


On a side note when i was 16 I used to work at one back in sandusky (was a stock boy). Anyway one of my jobs was to clean the restrooms. the mens room always smeeled like funk. But the ladies rooms were just down right gross, to the point you would be gagging when trying to clean. Apparently woman don't like to sit on the toliet seats in public restrooms. My last day there someone exploded all over the floor and toliet. store mgr told me to clean it up I said nope. gave me the option of clean it or I'm fired. Told him to have a great day and let. I draw the line on cleaning up someones shit.


Another story. When I was in College I worked at a Meijer. I watched a woman freak out and start crying and then proceeded to piss herself. I walked up to her to see if she was ok. She just smiled at me said she was fine and continued shopping. Was like WTF was that about.

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I work for the one in Hilliard, and thankfully we don't have all of the BS problems the one on Morse has. It was still funny as hell though when loss pervention had to have me translate between CPD and a mexican guy that drove to the store drunk, and tried to shoplift a bottle of whiskey in the middle of the day. You'd think that people around Hilliard wouldn't need to steal, but we catch more people then I'd like to admit trying to just walk off with plasma TVs and shit like that.


Morse Rd's wal-mart is like little Somalia because that part of columbus is where a fuck ton of somalian people live. No idea why someone would want to shit on the floor though. People are just plain fucking disgusting.

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Guest GMoney
I avoid the Easton area like the plague after dark, and it gets dark there quick. You will not catch me there after dark unless im at the funny bone or doing things like putting a couple gallons of bubble bath in the fountains.
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The fact that they pay their workers so little and the owners have BILLIONS is more than a little ironic and pathetic.

It makes for a awkward shopping experience when you understand to get the low price they sell for they have to screw people over.



The screwing-over goes much-much further than their workers. It effects the workers of all of their "suppliers" who they force to globalize to be able to compete for their share of the pie. Its really a train wreck, but its the american way, taken to an extreme. So many large corporations are so greatly effected by walmart that its scary.

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