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i think that damn flu got everyone, like my whole family me, a ton of my friends. it just sucked and the worst thing about it was that it lasted and felt like it wasnt going to go away. (lol i guess when you drink a lot, it takes longer for your immunity to fight it off, which would be me opwnd by flu!)
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I think I have that shit too..

Stomach hurting for a few days, today is just worse, just feels like Im hungry all the time? Did you guys feel that way as well?



First time ever being sick that I am very hungry. My wife keeps giving me shit. Says if I am sick, I shouldnt be hungry. So I guess I must not really be sick.

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I've had a really bad cold for the past 3 months. Coughing up huge chunks of green stuff, stuffy head, headache, constantly blowing my nose. Finally went to the dr today because when I woke up this morning, I was coughing so hard I was almost puking. Dr said that my chest was so bad that it sounded like a smoker's w/ bronchitis and i don't even smoke. He gave me some pills and this cough medicine that has codeine in it. Wooooooo. About time for the loopiness to start kicking in!
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I either have the stomach flu or I got food poisoning because I feel like shit :/

Stomach flu kinda creeps up on you, and you feel like shit for a couple days. Food poisoning usually hits within 30min of eating the bad food, your body purges orally, and it's usually pretty much over after a few hours.

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Try building three horse stalls when it was -20 at 11:00 at night a month and a half ago.


Had a temp. of 102.5 for three days straight. The lady says to me we need to bring the horses in. I asked where to because they have dug out the back barn. She said the front barn. I said there are no stalls, what are they just going to walk around in there all together? She said.....um...well...I was hoping that.... I said well lets go to home depot...160 dollars and 4 hours later the stalls were done and the horses were in.


It was probably a good thing though. She told me just a few days ago a friend of hers lost 7 horses due to the sub zero temperatures.


Beat that.


Sorry to hear you were sick. It sucks.

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