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Whats up Dan! Welcome to Columbus Racing. I'm going to fill you in on what has happened over the last year....




Tilley is in the process of breaking the land speed record


Linn has raced for $20 so much he just purchased a Mansion with twenty dollar bills.


Dark Formula has been in and out of town 50000 times... and still runs shit here!


Cavin purchased a car from god himself


A night crew has developed of members with 3rd shift jobs and sleeping problems


Sam is a pimp


IPS has been the topic in over 199901910 posts. Actually I need to go there to fill up my nitrous bottles... make it 199901911


Everyone talked crap over the winter, but got quiet when the sun came out


I think thats about it :D


P.S. If you see a video posted by Linn do not attempt to watch it on a full stomach (you will understand what I mean soon enough!!)



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Whats going on dan? It's Ed from shop class. Didnt know that you had been driving a POS station wagon recently. Wanna race? It could actually be close now. ;)


Good luck on the headgasket... atleast you've got all break to work on it

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Yep, Bjelac is still teachin (mega and me have him for Govt., 1st period...) Mr. Roark is one heckuva funny guy, but I never had him. Sr. Mary...would mr megaman like to take this one? Did you ever have or see Keegan for Algebra? She got married, to another trekkie.
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Keegan was tha suck. I had the old ass dude too, can't remember his name, UBER prick that taught geometry/Trig N' shit. I was such a slacker :D




And Keegan is fat now, if you can believe that.

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