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Don Imus....what are your thoughts?


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I'll probably go over there around 9ish, I gotta get some homework done and find some beer. Andy, Bear, and Brett are already over there hanging, so it starts whenever people show up.


A grizzly bear?


Sounds gangsta. I will shoot you a PM when I get home. :nod:

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I think it is funny when people try to fuck with Tilley. See what happens when you take Dr. off from the beginning of your name. :D


Yeah, I remember you saying you were unhappy with the name change. I guess I was just tired of it and wanted something different.


As for the noob, he's actually not that far off, but he's skewing things to make it seem as though Mensa has to approve an intelligence test for it to be acceptable. Certainly, Mensa has fairly rigorous standards and will only accept certain intelligence tests as standard of proof of a particular IQ score, but simply because Mensa accepts them or rejects them does not necessary validate or invalidate an intelligence test's relative worth from an empirical or practical perspective.

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First, retard, you're not even quoting Mensa correctly. Instead, it looks like you're making shit up again, like where you made up statistics about the portion of IQ tests that devoted to problem solving. Here's a fucking newsflash, Mr. Mensa: 100 percent of IQ tests are devoted to problem solving. Wouldn't be much of a question if you didn't need to solve a problem, huh?


"Hello, this is an IQ test. Here's your first question. Think of the color blue. Okay, great! There's a point. Now, for the next question, listen to me say the following: "basketball." Okay, great, you did! Awesome, there's another point. Wow, from these results, you're a genius."


Second, quit thinking that only intelligence tests utilized by Mensa are acceptable and, commensurately, quit typing all the stupid shit that you think you know about Mensa and intelligence tests just because you have a keyboard, a monitor, and an Internet connection. Rather, get back to me when you've done some research on the following tests not "accredited" by Mensa:


- the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition

- the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition

- the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities


In the meantime, maybe you should try this really great, but very brief, measure of intelligence. Get a jigsaw puzzle. Put it in the oven. Turn the oven on to 450 degrees. Put the jigsaw puzzle together with your forehead in as little time as possible. If you can do it in under three minutes, then you're a genius.


First off, I wasn't saying Mensa approved tests were the only tests worth taking. SAT,PSAT, LSAT, though if those were the tests in question I wouldn't need to ask who approved it. Though because Mensa is the most recognizable high IQ society, its usually the best to bring up. Certainly better than Mega, or 39. If the WAIS was the specific test brought up that would have answered my questions seeing as how that is an accepted test by Mensa. SIMPLE. You're being over-analytical about what I was asking.


As far as the 90% problem solving, I meant more along the lines of complex puzzle/pattern recognition, and yes I was being facecious about the actual percentage. Forgive me.


Also, what exactly am I skewing ? Skewing or spinning information is a way to show light on ones side of an argument or point of view. I am simply asking a question. I agree with you that Mensa is not the only authority on standardized IQ tests, but it is certainly a good place to start. When I hear someone say their IQ is 154, thats fantastic, you're an intelligent person, pushing the line of semi-genius. I just want to know where the test came from.


EDIT: I apologize for being part of this threads jacking. I will speak no more of the subject. Thorne, I am not trying to doubt you, you seem like a perfectly intelligent person. Tilley, regardless of our disagreement if you have anything to say to me, lets please continue our conversation in PM so this thread can continue without our bickering. You also seem like an intelligent person so I have nothing against you. I suppose we just butted heads for some reason.


This was the last paragraph that I have removed from my post, it stated:



"Lastly, the fact you resort to name calling proves to me, regardless of the missing prefix in your name, that you have a superiority complex, and the maturity of a 10 year old. Congradulation's."


I formally retract it. It was immature, and I let my bitterness get the better of me.

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First off, I wasn't saying Mensa approved tests were the only tests worth taking. SAT,PSAT, LSAT, though if those were the tests in question I wouldn't need to ask who approved it. Though because Mensa is the most recognizable high IQ society, its usually the best to bring up. Certainly better than Mega, or 39. If the WAIS was the specific test brought up that would have answered my questions seeing as how that is an accepted test by Mensa. SIMPLE. You're being over-analytical about what I was asking.


As far as the 90% problem solving, I meant more along the lines of complex puzzle/pattern recognition, and yes I was being facecious about the actual percentage. Forgive me.


Also, what exactly am I skewing ? Skewing or spinning information is a way to show light on ones side of an argument or point of view. I am simply asking a question. I agree with you that Mensa is not the only authority on standardized IQ tests, but it is certainly a good place to start. When I hear someone say their IQ is 154, thats fantastic, you're an intelligent person, pushing the line of semi-genius. I just want to know where the test came from.


EDIT: I apologize for being part of this threads jacking. I will speak no more of the subject. Thorne, I am not trying to doubt you, you seem like a perfectly intelligent person. Tilley, regardless of our disagreement if you have anything to say to me, lets please continue our conversation in PM so this thread can continue without our bickering. You also seem like an intelligent person so I have nothing against you. I suppose we just butted heads for some reason.


This was the last paragraph that I have removed from my post, it stated:



"Lastly, the fact you resort to name calling proves to me, regardless of the missing prefix in your name, that you have a superiority complex, and the maturity of a 10 year old. Congradulation's."


I formally retract it. It was immature, and I let my bitterness get the better of me.


LOL, this guy really does have potential.


Listen, Sol740, don't go all soft on me. It's The Kitchen - it's all fair game here. A little spirited intraweb warrioring never really hurt anyone. Besides, you're right: I do have a God complex as well as the maturity of a 10-year old. "Congradulations" on figuring that out so quickly.

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getting back to imus question. i say he said he was sorry that should be enough. we all make stupid statements (i think he is a dick) but let it go. as far as sharpton and jackson i am waiting on them to say sorry to the duke players for saying they were guilty that will never happen
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getting back to imus question. i say he said he was sorry that should be enough. we all make stupid statements (i think he is a dick) but let it go. as far as sharpton and jackson i am waiting on them to say sorry to the duke players for saying they were guilty that will never happen


Thats a whole other lengthy thread ...

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Every time Sharpeton and Jackson open their mouths they flame the racist attitudes within the black community and set it back years ... these two live off the negativity that they create. Imus's mouth compared to Howard Stern's .... Imus is Mother Teresa. This was all over blown BS. Lets see who really benefits from this...my guess is Al.
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Every time Sharpeton and Jackson open their mouths they flame the racist attitudes within the black community and set it back years ... these two live off the negativity that they create.

EXACTLY what I was trying to convey. I seriously think racism would die in the near future if we didn't have these "community leaders" seperating races even more by calling everything discriminatory.

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EXACTLY what I was trying to convey. I seriously think racism would die in the near future if we didn't have these "community leaders" seperating races even more by calling everything discriminatory.


Thats racist !!! How dare you insinuate racism exists outside of the white community !!!

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My post is clouded by my anger. It's not anger. It's disgust and disappointment in society, not anger. Most of the athletes and rappers haven't earned shit. They have very little true talent that results in anything truly positive to society. They are simply rewarded and extorted for what they are producing....and that product of their "abilities" is income for the sponsors and companies. No different than Imus.


Take away the money income from a rapper or hip-hop punk and you're left with nothing but another ignorant punk with very little schooling (in most cases) and no true talent to contribute anything. Not all but most. Same with athletes. Not all, but most are in college just for football and nothing else. Take away the money and potential to earn it and you're left with another Maurice Clarette. Race doesn't matter here either. Show me the ones who have true contributions and talent to help be a positive human being and you'll find the percentages of those are so small it's that which you'll find ridiculous.


The raps songs and they way you portray them is wrong. You can bleep words, but the underlying mentality and lack of intelligence that forms the songs is pathetic and is the underlying sickness of society that I'm referencing. You can bleep the words, but the you can't hide the truth and ignorance behind the creators or the meaning of the hidden words. Who their comments are or aren't directed at doesn't matter....again, the comments regardless and so called "talent" that fools believe is "creating music" is pathetic and worthless.





Noobs, take note. This is how you post a rebuttal.

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I laughed, and still laugh, and could care less. People that say outrageous shit are what make entertainment. Ya, the guy is probably a dick, hell, he looks like one.


If you guys dug a little more in depth you would find that the school he commented on is a school for girls, composed by a very high percentage of caucasions. His joke was based off the fact that the only black girls there were on the basketball team (don't hit me with some techinicality bull).


So he had the audasity to crack a racist joke, everyone has probably told one.



word to the miller..

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let the market sort it out.

sharpton is a hypocrite, who divides race relations by opening his mouth.


imo we can't truely reach racial equality untill we can laugh at stereotypes rather than piss and moan about them.

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