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Housebreaking a pup


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I have an 8 week old boxer. The MF'er absolutely will not go to the patio door when he has to piss or shit. I have to physically take the damn thing outside about every 1 and 1/2 hours. Once he's outside, he will do his business. I have had like 5 hours of sleep the past 5 days because of this. Is this normal for this age of pup?

I just got him out of his crate to take him outside. He started to follow me, then turned around, stopped in the kitchen, looked back at me and pissed on the floor. W-T-F!?!?!? Does anyone have any tips to get this asshole to go outside?

I even have one of those puppy piss mats at the patio door. He won't even go to that. But here's the catcher. This dog is fucking smart. He knows that in order to open the patio door, you have to pull the handle. When he wants to come back in, he tries to jump up to reach the handle. I also taught him in 1 day, that when I let him back inside, he MUST sit on the piss mat until I wipe his paws off with a towel. How in the fuck does he learn that in one day, but after 6 days, he still wants to piss and shit in my house?? Can anyone help me out here? I am desperate. I want to fucking sleep!!!!!

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Do you walk him? does he walk ahead of you. You 've got be VERY dominate with the bulldog family. If you have not seen my boys go look in the pets thread. But I've got a 100+ lb Old English Bull dogg (Re creation CKC recniazed breed, Hes 1/3rd pitbull) I've found the more submissive the dog his the easier it is the train.


now with my puppie drake I always took him out on a leesh it was a max 10 minute adventure NEVER PLAY potty time is just that. Goto Pet Smart get the puppy book, Its got a golden retriver on the front and simple as hell to follow. I used it as a guide for my training and drake can well used to be able to walk offleash outside and never leave my side. Hes getting wild lately.

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normal for a pup his age, it took me forever to break my golden in. bu tjust keep constant at it. we also did this.. if he does outside and uses the bathroom reward him as soon as he does his business with a treat. that way he knows outside is good to shit and inside is not.
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With those kinds of dogs, I've heard of people putting up a puppy bell by the door. Every time you take him out, ding the bell. It's just like the door handle thing. Once he realizes you ring it when you take him out ONLY, he'll start to ring it when HE needs to go. Otherwise you need to beat his ass a few times......
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Within an hour of starting this thread, he shit in his cage for the 3rd time!!!!!!!!


Ryan, when you was here the other day, you saw how I had his cage blocked off. Enough to sleep and turn around in. He shit on one side of that area. Do you think I should block off that area and just give him half of what he had?


If I go outside with him, he wants to sit on my feet and not go potty. Once I found this out, I stopped going outside with him. Now, he's to the point that when I let him out, he will pee, but wants right back in. The puppy DVD my neighbor gave me said to leave them out at least 5 minutes. I've been giving him at least 10. Still, he goes out, pees and then paws and barks at the door the rest of the time. Within an hour of him being back in the house, whether he's in his crate, or roaming around the house, he'll shit. I use the "outside" command repeatedly when I put him out. When I let him in, I tell him "good outside" and give him a treat.

When I am outside with him, he either walks right beside my feet or just behind me. He never walks in front of me.

I'm at a loss. I grew up on a farm. We always had outside dogs and never had to deal with this. I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong, or if this dog is broken...LoL

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With those kinds of dogs, I've heard of people putting up a puppy bell by the door. Every time you take him out, ding the bell. It's just like the door handle thing. Once he realizes you ring it when you take him out ONLY, he'll start to ring it when HE needs to go. Otherwise you need to beat his ass a few times......


The problem is getting him TO the door. He just won't go anywhere near it.

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an 8 week old dog is just like a human baby, in the fact that it doesnt really know when it has to go to the bathroom.


read this: http://www.caninedevelopment.com/housebreaking2.htm


it may help a bit.


remember, dont accidentally train him to hold it until the last minute outside (thats covered in i think section 1 of that site)


also, if they make a mess, and you dont catch them in the act. dont punish them. it doesnt do any good. to the dog the act and the mess are two different things.


Your pup does not relate the accident to the punishment. Chances are it was hours ago. What he does associate with the punishment is the action just preceding it—your homecoming. In the dog’s mind, when you walk through the door, he will be punished. He’s not sure why, he just knows it will happen. So he cowers. Crate training can eliminate this confusion.

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I'm not working right now, so i'm home all the time. I have been keeping him in the crate during the day like he would be if i was working, except that I have been letting him out every hour or so and take him outside. I want him to get use to being in the crate for when I do land a job. I feed him at the same times every day and let him play in my living room in the evening, then put him in the crate when I go to bed. I almost always catch this dog in the act of making messes. When I do, I snatch him up real quick and head to the door using the outside command. I just can't figure out what it's going to take to get him to go to the patio door when he has to go.


I'll read through that site later this evening.

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I house-trained my dog with a full sized adult cage that he could nearly jump around in. Accidents will happen, just remember that. Be sure to point him in the face and say "NO" with a very firm voice. My dog had many-a-accident when he was in his first year but eventually he got it.
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Boxer? PM / Call me if you need to. I have two and have raised them all my life. Best dogs you can have ;)


At 8 weeks, he's barely going to know 10 seconds before he has to piss or crap. Key is this:


Buy a kitchen timer. Set it for 1 hr. When it rings....carry his butt outside. Do this every hour for as very often as you can. It will take about 5-10 days, but you will see that he will catch on like you wouldn't believe.


We also have a small set of bells that we keep on our back door. Before he goes out, we ring the bells. That will take about 8mos to 1 year, but he will catch on. Our dogs ring the bells when they want out and will even pull them off and bring them to me in the bedroom early in the morning :D


Absolutely DO NOT Punish him. That won't do a thing for him or you except make him not trust or bond with you. Dogs, especially pups don't train through threats or punishment. It's all positive reinforcement. Believe me, that's very true. Dogs love routine and are creatures of habit. They love positive reinforcement and respond very well to that.


Keep him in the kitchen/tile or such when loose inside the house. Use the timer. Crate train him at night. Put a towel on top of the cage to create a cave/den. Don't use a blanket that hangs, as eventually he'll pull it inside and eat it :rolleyes:


It's a PIA for the first 3-6 months, but that's normal and part of being a dog owner. Get used to life changing. Do you have kids? Same thing....if you don't, be prepared. Same drill, different animal. It will take a few months, but you will actually know the very last time he ends up having an accident. It's like a light bulb goes off in their head.


Our dogs now in the rare instance of having an accident, always do it in the kitchen. Our female used to have some food problems and would vomit...I picked her up and put her in the kitchen while she was gagging and viola..now, no matter what happens, she races to the kitchen. Food wise, look into Nature's Recipe from PetsSmart. All natural, and by far the best we've had them on. Boxers have sensitive stomachs and it will show more after about 2-3 years. After switching her, no one instance of getting sick.


Again, call or PM me if you need help.


Some oldies but goodies:







They are beautiful animals:






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I have an 8 week old boxer. The MF'er absolutely will not go to the patio door when he has to piss or shit. I have to physically take the damn thing outside about every 1 and 1/2 hours. Once he's outside, he will do his business. I have had like 5 hours of sleep the past 5 days because of this. Is this normal for this age of pup?

I just got him out of his crate to take him outside. He started to follow me, then turned around, stopped in the kitchen, looked back at me and pissed on the floor. W-T-F!?!?!? Does anyone have any tips to get this asshole to go outside?

I even have one of those puppy piss mats at the patio door. He won't even go to that. But here's the catcher. This dog is fucking smart. He knows that in order to open the patio door, you have to pull the handle. When he wants to come back in, he tries to jump up to reach the handle. I also taught him in 1 day, that when I let him back inside, he MUST sit on the piss mat until I wipe his paws off with a towel. How in the fuck does he learn that in one day, but after 6 days, he still wants to piss and shit in my house?? Can anyone help me out here? I am desperate. I want to fucking sleep!!!!!


Im not even going to read alot of the other answers, and will just answer first.


1) Puppies are BABIES. They need a strict schedule. Yes you WILL be losing some sleep. They cannot control their bladders like adults.


2) do you have free access to food and water? If you start taking the dog out within 15-20 mins of feeding him, you will have GOOD results with regular pottys situations. Also, if you see him drinking, realize that within 15-20 mins he WILL have to pee.


making sure the puppy understands outside is a GREAT time helps. Play with them out side (even if its only 5 mins) so that they think the only time they get to go outside is to pee. Thats not fair at all.


Puppies are smart, yes, but you HAVE TO be able to train them. Do yourself a favor and go pick up a puppy class at petsmart (99 bucks for (6) 1 hour lessons)


I cannot emphasize how IMPORTANT proper training helps.


And i agree with everything that Pgpfppgpgp said.

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sully I know what you mean I have the same problems with my kids. I keep them in there cages all day as well to get used to us not being at home. I also blocked them off so they only have run to sleep and turn around but still the piss and shit EVERYWHERE and the constant sreaming drive you freakin nuts (that god for muzels). Anyway let me know if you find any better options cuz I'm at my wits end...
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first of all, go buy "What all good dogs should know".


Dogs will not, by instinct, pee or poop where they eat. If you feed him in the crate he shouldn't want to go to the bathroom in there.


Next, patterns, they poop after they eat. They pee every hour or so, after they play and usually after they eat. So, watch him and take him out. When he goes you have to praise praise praise.


there are many arguments for and many arguments against paper training in the house. I think that teaching the dog to go outside is better than teaching them to go inside no matter what.

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This is how we trained our dog.


I got my black lab from the humane society when she was 1 year old. For the first couple months she would get upset when no one was home. Piss and shit everywhere, tear down curtains. When she did happen to piss or shit on the floor and we got home we would push her nose into the mess and told her "NO" in a real firm and loud voice. We did this for 30 seconds on and off.


Then immediately we took her outside on a leash and walked her around the property line. We walked around for a good 10 minutes. Then I would take her off the leash. This helped her out to go to the bathroom sometimes which I would immediately praise and pet her for being good. Also walking around the property got her to understand where she was allowed to go and not go. So we started to lock her in a crate whenever we were not home and when we went to sleep.


We did this for a couple months and she stopped having accidents. Also she would stand by the door if she had to go. And when she did go outside she would always stay in the yard and not run away.


At the same time we had schedule of when to go to the bathroom. Every morning before work/school, when we got home from work, and before we went to bed, let her outside by herself for 5 minutes. Took her a bit to not bark or claw at the door when she was done... but eventually she would lay down on the deck and wait for someone to let her in. And if she needed to go to the bathroom any other time she would stand by the door.


She got so good with this after 4-5 months if she ever had to go real bad and we were sleeping she would bark constantly until we let her out of her cage. She would then run to the door to be let out and go to the bathroom. No more shitting in her cage!

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When she did happen to piss or shit on the floor and we got home we would push her nose into the mess and told her "NO" in a real firm and loud voice.

My friend did this with his beagles. The idea is that pups have shorter term memory so they may not remember what mess they caused so you help them remember.

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My friend did this with his beagles. The idea is that pups have shorter term memory so they may not remember what mess they caused so you help them remember.


I've always heard that this was not good. Found many sites agreeing:



ANY other corrections such as rubbing his nose in it, smacking with newspapers, yelling, beating or slapping only confuse and scare the dog. If you come across an “old” accident, it really doesn't pay to get too excited about it. Dogs aren't smart enough to connect a past act with your present anger and he won't understand what you're so mad about. He'll act guilty but it's only because he knows you're mad at him. He has no real idea why. Point the spot out to him and say “WHAT IS THIS?” but that should be limit of your correction.



You don’t need some "scientifically calculated" dog training program based on hours of repetition that’s impossible to follow (not to mention doesn’t work). For example, anyone who tells you that if you rub your dog’s nose in his own urine to house train your dog doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Just because you rub a dog’s nose in urine doesn’t mean your dog will understand why you are doing that, or learn not to urinate inside! In fact, punishing your dog in such a way without him understanding why, will frustrate him and will stunt his learning, making it impossible to get him trained!


another link, http://www.bestfriendspetcare.com/bf_training_14.cfm


There are tons of sites out there with good info..

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I've always heard that this was not good. Found many sites agreeing:








another link, http://www.bestfriendspetcare.com/bf_training_14.cfm


There are tons of sites out there with good info..

Those sites are lame. They're comparing beating and violence to simple discipline. My friend did this for his dogs and it worked well, as they are perfectly trained, loyal and kind dogs. Also, he didn't rub his boy's faces physically against its poo and pee, he pointed their faces toward it within a few inches.

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Maybe they are... but I looked around and it's very tough to find a site that advocates rubbing their nose in it.. Still I'd think those sites ( or countless others ) may have a little more knowledge on the subject for Sully..
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Maybe they are... but I looked around and it's very tough to find a site that advocates rubbing their nose in it.. Still I'd think those sites ( or countless others ) may have a little more knowledge on the subject for Sully..

Once again, I'm not advocating literally rubbing a dog's nose in its own shit. My buddy just redirects his dog's attention to the poo. Maybe we're talking 2 different things here..

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