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White Castle burgers


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I've never tried to max out only get a sack of 10 or so, but im sure if i REALLY wanted to I could choke down at least 20. I havent eaten there in forever, usually when I do I have to be sure Im not doing anything for the next 24 hours so give me some "breathing room".
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i had 15 at a speed eating contest, I think it was a couple of minutes...


most is in excess of 30 at a single sitting. We bought 50, and I had at least 30 empties in front of me, the exact count escapes me as it was a while ago. They are nothing. Eat two Chipotle burritos with chicken, beans, rice, chease, sour cream, corn, and hot sauce in less than 10 minutes, THATS an accomplishment!

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Eat two Chipotle burritos with chicken, beans, rice, chease, sour cream, corn, and hot sauce in less than 10 minutes, THATS an accomplishment!

I've done 2 of those with the same toppings but it was one chicken and one steak. It took 30 minutes though and I felt spent the rest of the day.

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i had 15 at a speed eating contest, I think it was a couple of minutes...


most is in excess of 30 at a single sitting. We bought 50, and I had at least 30 empties in front of me, the exact count escapes me as it was a while ago. They are nothing. Eat two Chipotle burritos with chicken, beans, rice, chease, sour cream, corn, and hot sauce in less than 10 minutes, THATS an accomplishment!


nothing like consuming 2500 calories in 10 minutes. (that the most I eat in a normal day)

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7 Double bacon cheeseburgers and a large order of onion chips once.


This is why we look like we do. :D


no shit man. :).


However, my stomach is STILL bloated like a mother fucker and I"m farting some nasty shit about every 5 minutes. ugh. I was working on my car tonight and ripped a few. I actually had to walk away from myself!


Of course a few beers isn't helping either ;).

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That is funny that this came up because we just had a "competition" at my school to see who could eat the most. My friend ate 29 sliders out of the 30 from a crave case. My other friend filmed it and is making a video about it, it should be on youtube soon. There is a teaser for it right now on there. http://youtube.com/watch?v=8P5iaDBPwWo
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