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Niagara Falls

Guest FooFooMaru

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Guest FooFooMaru

Going to Niagara falls tonight, getting there tomorrow though and will be there all day. NY side wbabwhahwhahwhahw














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Yeah the wife and I went for a weekend once. Its kinda boring after you see it from all the angles. Oh and Canada sucks though the butterfly conservatory was definately one of the better parts of the trip if that says anything about it.



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if you enjoy scenic places, walking, and having a good time

Niagra Falls are the shit imho

but that's just me


my wife and i went last spring for the day and we had a blast,

the Canadian side is soo much nicer too imho

the NY side is like Rundownsville, USA

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Guest FooFooMaru

Canadian side was the bomb and then some. Amazinnnnnnnnnnng when you get on the Maid of the Mist (4) in my case haha. Soooooo amazing it was. only working at 60% also. Wowzerz.


I had fun. got some pics and gave out some of my bands "cards" and met some girl heh


Steve=wish you were laying beside me in wooster ;)



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