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Man Eastland mall sucks!

Johny Utah

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Why did you even bother, you should have gone to westland mall if you were trolling for chicks...J/K


Westland, Eastland and City Center are going to see the same fate as northland.

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You can take your dog shopping in a mall?

You can take your dog in most malls b/c they have those dog shops in there. At least I've seen plenty of people take their dogs in Tuttle and Easton.

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I grew up over the bridge from Eastland. I try to avoid going back to that side of town because it makes me mad what it has turned into. When my parents bought their home in '75 it was a great area, by the 90's it was dangerous. I left in 94 and moved to St. Louis, glad I did.
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What is in those offices? I've heard a school, some city stuff...also I hear the old theater out back is going to be renovated or already has been, it's so damn far back you can barely see it from the road.
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QUOTE=Tilley]Eastland Mall is ghetto and has been ghetto since the mid-1990s. Before that, though, that place was pretty hot. True story.


Polaris is pet friendly. I didn't know Easton was, though.



I grew up over the bridge from Eastland. I try to avoid going back to that side of town because it makes me mad what it has turned into. When my parents bought their home in '75 it was a great area, by the 90's it was dangerous. I left in 94 and moved to St. Louis, glad I did.



I can remember when it was the place to go. It is sad to see what has happend there. I use to go to the movie theater that was in Eastland. Then they shut that down and now amc 6 and 8 are gone.

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