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illegals got me


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  bottlefedfcus said:
Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves..... FUCK law enforcement.Theres shit you can do your just to damn lazy to do it go eat a fucking doughnut....


Who really gives a fuck about their rights...they come to this country for a better life. We end up paying for that life while they sit on the couch and make babies. Fuck them i would like to line every illegal up and shoot them in the back of the head. They are worthless and need to go back to their worthless country they came from.


end of rant.


STFU, your just a damn kid. I dont like the system as much as the next guy, but the fact is its the system, and you just deal with it. You dont like it, go to another country yourself. Famous quote from "Born on the 4th of July", "Love it or leave it Tommy, love it or leave it."


Do you even know what other contries are like? Have you even left the state of Ohio? For all you know, other countries give free shit away every day... Canada does this... guess what they give away?... HEALTH INSURANCE! Ive been to only Canada, and i thought it was pretty damn cool. I actully liked the monitary system and taxing BETTER than here. Why? Because i was able to get some of it back when i left. That and the $2 coin rules.

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yes i have been out of the state and country. I have been to mexico, bermuda and england. i will be visiting australia in a couple years.


i just cant stand cops...they get you on petty shit when they can be out taking care of things.


heres an example... 3 cops to come kick 2 kids out of a skate park for riding bikes....

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  bottlefedfcus said:
Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves..... FUCK law enforcement.Theres shit you can do your just to damn lazy to do it go eat a fucking doughnut....


Who really gives a fuck about their rights...they come to this country for a better life. We end up paying for that life while they sit on the couch and make babies. Fuck them i would like to line every illegal up and shoot them in the back of the head. They are worthless and need to go back to their worthless country they came from.


end of rant.


What the fuck are you talking about?!? You honestly think Cops dont like to deal with illegal's b/c their just lazy? Get a fuckin' clue kid. And yes their illegal and a drain on our society and need to be dealt with, does that justify mass genocide? Just curious what did they ever do to you that would conjure up such hostilities? yeah I dont like them either, doesn't mean I want to put a bullet in them either.

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  78novaman said:
The government is letting the damn law breakers to walk all over it's citizens. This is why the only solution is to deport every one of these fuckers. When an incident like this occurs we should just drop them off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula. Lets see them walk over that border! Hell I don't see why shooting them is illegal!


And landmine the border. And park aircraft carriers around Mexico and bomb the fuck out of Mexico City everytime one of their citizens escapes to here and hurts one of our citizens.


I hate these illegals and I hate even more that our pussy politicians are caving into them.

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  bottlefedfcus said:
yes i have been out of the state and country. I have been to mexico, bermuda and england. i will be visiting australia in a couple years.


i just cant stand cops...they get you on petty shit when they can be out taking care of things.


heres an example... 3 cops to come kick 2 kids out of a skate park for riding bikes....


really like what kind of things should they be taking care of? Seriously what should they do?

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  trowa said:
They should be finding serial killers and rapist for one....


That is the job of detectives, not patrolman.


And many, many criminals are caught because of 'routine' traffic stops. How do you think Timothy McVeigh was ultimately discovered?

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  bottlefedfcus said:
yes i have been out of the state and country. I have been to mexico, bermuda and england. i will be visiting australia in a couple years.


i just cant stand cops...they get you on petty shit when they can be out taking care of things.


heres an example... 3 cops to come kick 2 kids out of a skate park for riding bikes....


LOL. You are a fucking retard. I am sure the cops just saw you and called two of his buddies because that is how the system works.


Go read a book and/or go live in a country without a police force you little cry baby.

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  lemosley01 said:
That is the job of detectives, not patrolman.


And many, many criminals are caught because of 'routine' traffic stops. How do you think Timothy McVeigh was ultimately discovered?



Routine traffic stops are not good in my opinion. They almost aways result in a unconstitutional search of your vehicle or yourself. If there is no probable cause then you shouldn't get pulled over.


And like you said why should patrolman be stopping everyone looking for crimials. It is the detectives job to find the criminals.


Traffic stops I thought were to catch people without insurance and/or drunk drivers? Why don't cops just sit at a bar and wait for people to leave?

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  trowa said:
They should be finding serial killers and rapist for one....



they do do that but its not like they can search for that kinda shit house by house without reason unless they witness the act in had or have evidence.

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  trowa said:
Routine traffic stops are not good in my opinion. They almost aways result in a unconstitutional search of your vehicle or yourself. If there is no probable cause then you shouldn't get pulled over.


And like you said why should patrolman be stopping everyone looking for crimials. It is the detectives job to find the criminals.


Traffic stops I thought were to catch people without insurance and/or drunk drivers? Why don't cops just sit at a bar and wait for people to leave?


This is very simple.


Routine traffic stops catch wanted criminals. That's why they make them. If they didn't work, they wouldn't do it. If you don't believe it, ask the police or watch 'COPS' sometime.


edit: Of course, they also make stops because you broke a traffic law. There is a period of time where detectives might be looking for someone - if they know who they are after, traffic stops are just one more way those people are caught.


I have been stopped several times by the police and never once have they asked to search my car or my person. I have nothing to hide, but if they asked I would tell them to get a warrant.


Guess what - you won't be stopped by the police if your obey the law. Whenever I have been stopped, it is because I was not obeying the law.


I suppose in your world patrolman, whose duty it is to enforce traffic laws, should ignore speed, dangerous/reckless driving, people running lights, etc.


edit again: I'm going to take a wild guess and say you've been stopped by the police and they found contraband on your person or in your car.

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  lemosley01 said:
This is very simple.


Routine traffic stops catch wanted criminals. That's why they make them. If they didn't work, they wouldn't do it. If you don't believe it, ask the police or watch 'COPS' sometime.


edit: Of course, they also make stops because you broke a traffic law. There is a period of time where detectives might be looking for someone - if they know who they are after, traffic stops are just one more way those people are caught.


I have been stopped several times by the police and never once have they asked to search my car or my person. I have nothing to hide, but if they asked I would tell them to get a warrant.


Guess what - you won't be stopped by the police if your obey the law. Whenever I have been stopped, it is because I was not obeying the law.


I suppose in your world patrolman, whose duty it is to enforce traffic laws, should ignore speed, dangerous/reckless driving, people running lights, etc.


edit again: I'm going to take a wild guess and say you've been stopped by the police and they found contraband on your person or in your car.



Breaking the law is proable cause and I have no problem with a cop pulling me over for this. This is why I always have on a front license plate and my lights always work. In my world cops would pull people over as you said for "...speed, dangerous/reckless driving, people running lights, etc." I have been pulled over twice and it was for speeding.


And no I have never been searched in my car or my person. Even if they did search me ( i would contest that I do not condone a warrentless search) they would not find anything illegal. It is just the whole concept that they will twist the law around and make you consent to a warrentless search that I don't like.


Conversation would go

Cop = If I looked in your car I wouldn't find anything illegal right?

You = No I have nothing illegal in my car

Cop = OK I am going to look in your car now.


Most people would not know that they could say they don't consent to a search. Cops know that most people don't know this. THIS IS WHAT I DO NOT LIKE. They twist your arm on purpose. That is not correct.

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  TripleThreat said:
they do do that but its not like they can search for that kinda shit house by house without reason unless they witness the act in had or have evidence.



They can search your house illegally without a warrant if they really want to. They are the law and not many people want to fight the law. Not everyone follows the book.

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This whole thread reminds me that that BS immigration bill is going to brought up again in the senate. Call your senator and tell them that the path to citizenship should not involve illegal entry into this country!


If these people are given amnesty, we are screwed financially. The only way to deal with this problem is to secure the border and enforce laws that are already on the books.


end rant/

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Got the link to this video in an email from my brother. It basically shows where the current levels of immigration is leading us and our children. The guy that sent this to my brother said both the Republican and Democrats have spoken out against this message although they haven't exactly denied it. I guess thats being politically correct but leaving the door open to step through it if you need to....typical for politicians


Take a look for yourself. Kind of a scary prediction.



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  trowa said:

Most people would not know that they could say they don't consent to a search. Cops know that most people don't know this. THIS IS WHAT I DO NOT LIKE. They twist your arm on purpose. That is not correct.


This is a problem with the citizens not knowing their rights, not a problem with the police.

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  trowa said:
They can search your house illegally without a warrant if they really want to. They are the law and not many people want to fight the law. Not everyone follows the book.


Hence one of the reasons for the 2nd amendment. If the 2nd is removed, ALL of our rights are in jeopardy.

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  OSUGT said:
This whole thread reminds me that that BS immigration bill is going to brought up again in the senate. Call your senator and tell them that the path to citizenship should not involve illegal entry into this country!


If these people are given amnesty, we are screwed financially. The only way to deal with this problem is to secure the border and enforce laws that are already on the books.


end rant/


Not only would the cost of items go up (since they are now legal they now make minimum wage at least), we also have 12-20 million people suddenly on the dole.

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  lemosley01 said:
Hence one of the reasons for the 2nd amendment. If the 2nd is removed, ALL of our rights are in jeopardy.


Let me reword what I have been trying to make points on in my previous posts.


Don't you think that if a warrantless search of your car is done because you were pulled over for NOT breaking the law (example a DUI check where they are pulling over everyone) is a little out of line? I am also saying you were sober and showed no signs of probable cause, not speeding, nothing.


Regardless if you know the law or not (that is know when to say no to a warrantless search), don't you think it is out of line (if you are a cop) to use this to their advantage? Ya I know that not knowing the law does not keep you from guilt... and I am not saying it should. I am just saying that officers should not use the upper hand to do something that is an invasion of privacy? That is straight being a jerk in my opinion. I don't care if that is what they were taught when learning to become law enforcement. Its just plain mean to abuse your power. Do you feel otherwise? Maybe it isn't an invasion of privacy by other people's feelings. Maybe this is how we can better catch the bad guys, or the terrorist, or person X.


I understand "well this is how we caught person X". I just feel there should be other ways to find a lawbreaker then "trying" to search everyone that is pulled over.... or "trying" to search a certain looking person, as in their race or religion.

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