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dont know what to do about a trackbike?


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well looks like i got a lot of work to do then...

I'd say it is all a matter of seat time. Seat time helps ANYONE. The issue then becomes a matter of splitting small incriments in getting faster. The quicker you go, the harder and harder it gets to shed time.

Going from a 1:40 to a 1:38 is a lot easier than going from 1:34 to 1:32 or :32 to :30...

Sometimes, people just can only go so fast and hit a wall ability-wise. It's a fact of life... Some can get to 1:40 and can't get faster consistantly. Being able to hit a certain time is really cool, but if your hair is on fire and you're sweating bullets, it isn't good. Slowing down and running consistant with a reserve is MUCH better. Lap times don't mean a whole lot. Track days are fine to record laps, but honestly, using them for segment times and trying to master a set series of turns or corners means more...

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get that one!!

...or there's always lizard's( if its not sold)..lol yah! rock a 1098!

My 750 is sold. The 1000 is new and not for sale. Well, it can be, but doubt anyone would want to pay the asking fee...

$7k is the price range I thought, no? I think for $7k there were a TON of R6s in that range down at the GNF from pretty reputable and fast experts. For that money, you'd get an 06/07 race machine with motorwork, and pretty much damn near perfect with spares for that...

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