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Have Time Warner, and want a much better deal with WOW (can hookup WOW customers too)


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PM me.


WOW has a couple of new packages that Time Warner can't even touch.


My g/f's condo is in a TW only area (they don't know that). I called in for a price match, as her current package is similar to one of the new WOW packages. For TW to come close to the WOW package (with a slower internet speed and less phone features), it was $25/month more. And that was the lowest they could go, even when the lady on the phone had her supervisor go through all the customer retention packages they have.


So if you want to save a BUNCH, PM me with what internet/phone/cable services you want (has to be all 3) and I can sign you up for a much better deal than you have now. And none of that TW intro rate crap, this is prices guaranteed until 2010.


I'm not one to normally post deals as I'm not a salesman and don't want to be, but this is a REALLY good deal, and I'd like to hook up fellow CR members.


If you are a WOW customer already and have/want all 3, PM me as well, and I can hook you up too. :)

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I like my WOW, very reliable and when I had a problem with my cable card at 2am on a sat, I called and got a real person on the line and they fixed it. Oh and they spoke perfect english! Less than 15min I might add also, hell it took 15min because the autoprogram takes so long on LCDs.



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i hate WOW, but i cant get anything else


what if i just need a package for cable/internet? im paying about 100$/mo now for digital cable and 4mbps internet.


What part of blacklick are you in? I am thinking of moving to the Waggoner rd area, like Waggoner and Haven's Corners

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joe, how do i find out if i can get it in my area?

PM me your address, and I can take a look Monday


I hate WOW's GUI on the DVR system... Absolute crap. I would switch back to TW if I could just because of that.

I DESPISE Warner GUI. Their On-Demand stuff is a total PITA to navigate, you HAVE to use the guide to see what it playing, which is really retarded (I always just up/down arrow w/ the info bar at the bottom). Now if you compared it to Tivo, I'd agree, but Warners, no way.


i hate WOW, but i cant get anything else


what if i just need a package for cable/internet? im paying about 100$/mo now for digital cable and 4mbps internet.

PM me your number, and I can see what I can do (have to look up your account Monday), but the real deals are on the phone/hsd/cable packages. Besides, didn't we figure out your hatred months ago was due to you have PC issues?


What part of blacklick are you in? I am thinking of moving to the Waggoner rd area, like Waggoner and Haven's Corners

We should have service their. Your alternative would be Insight in that area (want to talk about some crappy service, suffer with Insight for a while...I did!).



Joe, hook me up before I go to DirectTV :D

I'll look at your account Monday and see what I can do.

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We should have service their. Your alternative would be Insight in that area (want to talk about some crappy service, suffer with Insight for a while...I did!).


I have actually never had 1 problem with Insight, they are just too expensive for me

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For $5 more than where I'm at now, I have Digital Cable, Tons more channels, DVR and three TV's vs one. Plus more I don't even know about. Sold and many thanks.


Got two more people hooked up...keep them coming. :)
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Hey Joe, I have a HD DVR box, the newest style thru WOW. About 4 times a week we have to pull the power to reset the box because it either won't load OnDemand or when playing HD stuff it cut's in and out sporadically. Do you think we just need a new box? Sorry to mess up your thread, guess I could have PM'd u.
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We had WOW for awhile. We hated it. The internet was absolute crap, not to mention the cable system was annoying.


Whenever we checked info to see what was on next. Instead of whats on next, you got whats on in a 2 and half hours.


I mean, Time Warner sucks. But WOW just seemed to suck so much more. But we ended up getting a kick ass deal from Time Warner where we paid the same as Wow and they gave us more, plus a free DVR deal. Yay dvr.

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