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BIG FALL off vert ramp, 50+ ft!


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saw this on the today show this morning. that is nuckin futs!


i thought he was just gonna fall and slide down the curved part like they do, then saw how far out he was and thought "fuck, hes gonna have a couple broken bones in his legs"


the shoes flying off was cool though

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Anyone see the double back flip by Murray and missed? He almost had it though.


yea i saw that right after, he hit the ramp too slow and then its almost like his rotation stopped for a second before he held it wide open to get it around the second time. when he landed the bars bent and the bie got stuck wide open and it fried his motor so he didnt get to go for a second jump. I was suprsed noone gave him a back up bike to jump again... all those guys have half a dozen bikes.

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