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Remembering 911

Guest Wunna Dig Race

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I was at work on the phone with a vendor when out of nowhere he said he had to go, there were thousands of calls holding up the lines. Turns out it was from NYC.


Seems like just yesterday but everytime I get on a plane I think about these events. It's changed life everywhere.

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I remember like it was yesterday.


I was working for WinBook, doing Tech Support. Was just like any other day. Someone came in and said a plane hit the World Trade Center. At first....everyone was thinking it was an accident. But as the story developed....it looked like something else. Since we were on the phones, they let us take turns going into the break room to watch. When I went in there, and was watching....was when the second plane hit. It was a crazy feeling...almost like complete loss of feeling. I went completely numb, like "what the hell is going on."


I had to get back on the phones, but every phone call I took...even though I was trying to fix people's computer problems...all we could really talk about was what was going on. Needless to say...the call volume that day was very low.


I can't believe it's been 6 years.

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  Minty Fresh said:
I remember like it was yesterday.


I was working for WinBook, doing Tech Support. Was just like any other day. Someone came in and said a plane hit the World Trade Center. At first....everyone was thinking it was an accident. But as the story developed....it looked like something else. Since we were on the phones, they let us take turns going into the break room to watch. When I went in there, and was watching....was when the second plane hit. It was a crazy feeling...almost like complete loss of feeling. I went completely numb, like "what the hell is going on."


I had to get back on the phones, but every phone call I took...even though I was trying to fix people's computer problems...all we could really talk about was what was going on. Needless to say...the call volume that day was very low.


I can't believe it's been 6 years.



I remember that mike that was a crazy day at work we had may 20 calls the entire day that day.


I worked nights at WinBook. My wife woke me up and told me to turn on the TV. I could hear it in her voice something was wrong. I turned it on and was in aw till I had to got to work.


I do rememeber seeing the airforce escort for air force 1 and cell phone service being down. Most news websites down or forced to put minual text on the site to kept up.

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Senior year, had a meeting with a guidance counselor early that morning. Afterwards went to BK for breakfast, on the way back to school I was listening to stern and he was talking about it. His exact words were, "well theres no way this was an accident, this is an act of war" and I had no idea what he was talking about. By time I got to 3rd period no one was really talking everyone was just watching tv. The teachers didnt even bother trying to teach anything, they were smart enough to know the impact of that day and trying to actually teach anything wouldn't be productive at all.


It's crazy to see these comments from "kids" (sorry guys) and how they were in 7th grade when it happened etc... It really just illustrates the fact that a whole generation has grown up with this just as the previous generation before had their Pearl Harbor. With the exception that pearl harbor wasnt televised for the world to see.


6 years.

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Junior year or high school. I had got sent home for being sick...aka didn't want to be there. I remember walking in the door and seeing a big building on fire and thinking eh, big deal. Then I read the caption and thought holy shit. I was listening to howard stern on the way to get my mom and i breakfast and listened to him talking about it. I think i made it home to see the second plane crash. I remember everything i did that day. I went to ground zero in february or 03... very sad.
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i lived right outside of the city at this time and when they sent everyone home from school, (i lived right behind the school) walked home and there was a heavy layer of thick smoke all throught the sky over my house. for the next week there were F-15;s flying back and fourth helicopers and all. i cant belive that happened. it was unreal being so close
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I was in Religion class @ Bishop Watterson as a senior. After that day I knew, I would be joining the Army and going off to combat in some way. 6 years later I did 2 combat tours and still in the Army. Lost many buddies, felt like seeing those towers fall that morning. I hold this country in the highest respect, and will do anything I need for it.
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I was at work already; thinking I was going to get a jump on the day by being there early. I was listening to Howard Stern. It didn't seem real when he first started talking about it. I was in my 6th floor office with a window, thinking of all the other business men in New York who went into work a little early that day. It was the most coward act of violence. I couldn't believe anyone would do that.


Semper Fi to those who have paid for our freedom with their lives. And to those who continue to protect how we live.

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here are a few from the 8 days i was there. i can get more from my dad if everbody wants.

out of respect for the familys there were no graphic pictures taken. i don't know if he has a picture of it but when we were on statin island "fresh kills" looking for personal belongins, body parts, cell phones, ect. my dad found a big part of one of the air planes, about 2 and a half windows worth, that was pretty gut wrenching.








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Guest Wunna Dig Race
  CamaroAJ said:
here are a few from the 8 days i was there. i can get more from my dad if everbody wants.

out of respect for the familys there were no graphic pictures taken. i don't know if he has a picture of it but when we were on statin island "fresh kills" looking for personal belongins, body parts, cell phones, ect. my dad found a big part of one of the air planes, about 2 and a half windows worth, that was pretty gut wrenching.









Wow man thats crazy

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I watched it a couple weeks back. Sure makes me think about things every single time I"m on a plane. Sad thing is once they made it into the cockpit, there wasn't much the passengers could do.


Talk is cheap I know, but I have no doubt I would fight back too. I figure my cell phone which is rock solid would hurt if it was thrown, my crack-berry can split a mans head open its so tough and a Cross Pen will help too. Not to mention, my Toughbook with it's handle will make a nice shield / weapon when. That bitch would hurt like hell too. :D


  Stimmel said:
Still remember it like it was yesterday as well, United 93 was on today watched it and all the family and friends of people involved are in my prayers...
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I was working in the afternoon so I was sleeping.. My radio alarm was set to the local station that carried Howard so I woke to the sound of him and Robin talking in disbelieving voices. I knew somethign had happened, but I didn't think it was somethign like that. At that point in time, things like that just didn't happen to us. Then, I'll never forget this, I heard him say "I can't believe it just fell!" And Robin started crying in the background. I was out of bed and turning on the TV in seconds, still not knowing what was going on, just that something really bad had happened. I turned on the TV just minutes before the second fell. The rest of the morning I had the TV on and Howard in the background. Howard Stern had *the best* coverage, period.


I'll never forget that day.

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  pdqgp said:
I watched it a couple weeks back. Sure makes me think about things every single time I"m on a plane. Sad thing is once they made it into the cockpit, there wasn't much the passengers could do.


Talk is cheap I know, but I have no doubt I would fight back too. I figure my cell phone which is rock solid would hurt if it was thrown, my crack-berry can split a mans head open its so tough and a Cross Pen will help too. Not to mention, my Toughbook with it's handle will make a nice shield / weapon when. That bitch would hurt like hell too. :D


I don't think there will be a sucessful hijack of an American airplane for a long time to come.

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It's a sad site to see how things are ending up in this world. Violence has sure taken a turn for the worst. I still remember being at work and watching the news that day. We let out early, and I was thinking about how, and what people were going through at that terrible time. God Bless all the men and women who have put there lives on the line for the protection of others and this country. Hope one day it changes for the better instead of hearing more terrible and heartbreaking things such as this.
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I was nervous about flying last summer, but hell, I always am. If I was on a plane, and it was being hijacked, I'd be more concerned with trying to do something about it. Hell, five dead and stopping any hijacking would be much more worth my life than hundreds or possibly thousands dying if nobody did anything. I agree that probably no American plane will ever let itself be hijacked ever again.
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sorry i missed this post and not sure if any one has done this before but take a min. and do it and let me know what you think


Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:


Open Microsoft Word and do the following:

1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.

2. Highlight the Q33 NY.

3. Change the font size to 48.

4. Change the actual font to WINGDINGS



try it for yourself

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  kwik- lx said:
sorry i missed this post and not sure if any one has done this before but take a min. and do it and let me know what you think


Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:


Open Microsoft Word and do the following:

1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.

2. Highlight the Q33 NY.

3. Change the font size to 48.

4. Change the actual font to WINGDINGS



try it for yourself



Interesting, was the Q33NY really the tail number from the first flight to hit the towers? if so thats fucking creepy...



I remember looking at the sky when i woke up and thinking that there is no way that it can be this beautiful out this early, The going back to bed untill my wife woke me up with the news. My 21st birthday was 7 days later, my big party was gathering my friends together and giving blood, and joining the red cross. I still get a shitty feeling every beautiful clear blue day we have now, it sucks that it brings back all the emotions of that day more then anything else, at least to me.

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