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Girl got me fat (suggestions)


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Work can help too. What do you do? Do you have an "active" job (landscaping, lawnmowing) or an inactive job (desk stuff)? Take stairs when you can instead of the elevator :rolleyes: Stand instead of sit....especially when eating. Eat smaller meals more often. Switch to diet pop or water. Cut out unnecessary carbs (french fries :D ) Stuff like that.


I know... I have no room to give out advice :D



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Saying your gaining weight because you got a g/f ... wow thats priceless. Get off your booty and workout. Take her with you. Being with a guy who doesnt want to stay fit and be active and doesnt care about his appearance is a huge turn off. It's one thing to have a little extra weight and be active and go to the gym and make the effort to try. But its another thing to sit and bitch about it.


Stimerex is a wonderful additive to get your butt going and do some crunches and running. It will come off quick. Diet is huge. I had a friend who was helping me a few months ago. I was overtraining and working out 3-5 times a day doing everything under the sun. Ran 8-12 miles every 3 days.. and only lost 40lbs. Now that Im following the diet advice Ive lost 10lbs in 2 weeks and starting to see the little results I wanted to see before, the right way and not the wrong way.


Diet and exercise. Plus your sex drive goes up when you exercise more and she will love ya for it. So work it out and get the pay off. Have fun!

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Your sex drive goes up when you exercise more? Is that true? I just started working out recently and it isn't that often. When I never worked out my sex life was described as "being rabbit like". I don't think any woman could stand me if it went up anymore =/
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Your sex drive goes up when you exercise more? Is that true? I just started working out recently and it isn't that often. When I never worked out my sex life was described as "being rabbit like". I don't think any woman could stand me if it went up anymore =/


ahah Seriously I was told the same thing, but didnt believe it. I think its the fact that you are stimulating so many muscles and whatever else. Im sure some of the fitness people on here could tell ya more about it. But who knows.

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ahah Seriously I was told the same thing, but didnt believe it. I think its the fact that you are stimulating so many muscles and whatever else. Im sure some of the fitness people on here could tell ya more about it. But who knows.



Heh well I have a better excuse for being lazy then! Thanks. :cool:

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