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Anyone get Lasik Surgery???


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I just got it done 3 months ago at the lasik vision center on Main by hooters. it cost me about 2300 for the whole thing. Not bad. There was dryness, very sensitive to light the first two days. Just wear sunglasses and you will be alright. I now have a little better than 20/15. Just do your eye drops and keep your rewatering drops and you will be fine. It took a total of 5.5 minutes for the surgury.


I was worried cause there my eyes, but once you walk in and see its an assembly line that fear kinda goes away. while I was in there total time of 25 minutes I say 4 people in front of me leave and 5 behind me coming in. its a good business to get into.

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go there and schedule an appointment online. Then go in and they will talk to you about everything and what machine they want you to use.




there is the store acorss from the Schot where everyone has been kicked out a dozen times.

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What about eye dryness, soreness, senstivity to light, etc.?


My g/f never wears her glasses, and many time misses things because of it. Would be a good thing for her to do.


The guy in my class said his eyes were mildly sore for 1 day, then they were fine after that.

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ok, so the surgery is pretty invasive. They cut your cornea in a U shape, then flip the cornea up and use the laser to burn the proper shape into your eye, then flip the U back down. It takes about 24 hours to heal. Once you have the procedure complete you can see very well. It is instantaneous. For the next week you can expect dryness as the cornea needs fluid to heal. Once the week is up you may notice some dryness when you are dehydrated. I did my homework and had the proper laser for my eye shape and problem. I don't get halos because I had the right laser, I honestly can say this is the best money I have ever spent and would pay $5000/eye if I knew what it would mean to have this done.
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Guest evobound
I had lasik done at TLC in December and I went from 20/1200 to 20/25.


I will be 100% honest, The surgery is more mental then physical. You will loose your sight for 5min or so during the surgery, as long as you stay calm there is nothing to it.


oh damn. that's kinda freaky. i assumed you'd be ktfo before they zappedcha

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20/250 before.. 20/15 and even can see some of the 20/10 letters. The most pain I felt was when I first walked outside after the procedure. All light HURT.. But once you get home, you sleep from the drugs for a few hours, wake up and you can see. I had 20/20 the very next day. It's been over a year and no problems, no dryness, pain, etc. I had it done at Revision off of polaris with a wavefront laser, it was around 3500.
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where did you do your research this? Where did you have your procedure done?


ok, so the surgery is pretty invasive. They cut your cornea in a U shape, then flip the cornea up and use the laser to burn the proper shape into your eye, then flip the U back down. It takes about 24 hours to heal. Once you have the procedure complete you can see very well. It is instantaneous. For the next week you can expect dryness as the cornea needs fluid to heal. Once the week is up you may notice some dryness when you are dehydrated. I did my homework and had the proper laser for my eye shape and problem. I don't get halos because I had the right laser, I honestly can say this is the best money I have ever spent and would pay $5000/eye if I knew what it would mean to have this done.
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