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don't run from the police.


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He attempted to run over 2 cops before the pursuit ended. I see a video that justifies everything the cops did.


Also, strips were tried, "The driver missed the Stop Sticks and kept going on Reed Hartman."


You mean he got broadsided by 2 cops...


"If I get a chance I'm taking him out" Apparently they got their chance.


Driver = another victim of Darwinism


Cop = lucky the passenger didnt have a gun.

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ok so after seeing it i thought the first shots were not needed.. but if you slow it down at 347 you can see a black figure getting out of the way (i would guess a officer) of the monte carlo. so the shots were intended to stop a person trying to hit a officer. In the end the officer on the hood got out of his vehicle with the front of the suspects vehicle right in front of him leaving the officer no way out of a collision if the suspect hit the pedal which he started to do.. at that point the officer couldnt get out of the way as his door is on his right side and the suspect car to the left, and would still needed to be cleared if he could jump that far. the only option left was to go on the hood and attempt to give commands to stop. the officer didnt make that call the suspect did when he started to move. you can hear his first shot dosent go untill the car starts to move. the suspect made the decision period..
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The guy ran from the cops and was repeatedly told to stop, he didnt. What I dont like is the wording used in this link, "the monte carlo ran into two cruisers"??? more like the two cruisers ran into the monte carlo, albeit with good intention to make him stop. I was waiting for the third cruiser to strike the monte again while capt. america was on the hood.


So another bad guy is dead, ok i can live with that.

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Stop means stop. Kill the fucker.


I second that. If they shot when they said "freeze or I'll shoot" I garuntee alot less people would run. And if they did it would still lead to less runners because when they would have commited another crime after being "rehabilitated" and ran again... o wait that's right they were shot the first time they ran end of story.

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there was NO need to kill this man, but also he should have stopped


Its god's delete button. There is a 100% the dude was some pace of fuck, that did not contribute a thing to society. there are many point in the day when I wish I had a delete button.


As for the shooting-as soon as a officer is in danger of his life, he has the right to open fire. I would say being "attack" with a vehicle is grounds enough.

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Someone that retarded... I'd much rather have him dead than pay taxes to house him in prison...



Sucks to be the owner of the Monte... "Sir, we found your car, but we blew the thiefs chest out all over the interior, we'll clean it for you."

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First thing wrong with this.... The vehical did NOT try to ram him, he tried to go around him and the cop inched forward. Second thing... wtf would they open fire on him before using a number of different things to try and stop the pursuit? Yes they Pit'ed him, twice, but i didnt see them try to use stop sticks, or even break the glass and make an attempt to pull the driver out of the vehical. Instead, you see one view of an officer fire 3 rounds into the back of the car as its driving away from, with no other officers on foot, so hes not trying to run people over.... and then it cuts to a shot of an officer kneeling on the hood firing through the windshield... wtf was he doing on the hood? theres no need for it. Why not shoot out the tires from a safer distance of 15 or 20 feet rather than plugging 5 rounds into a mans chest point blank from the hood of the car?


I would expect nothing less from Blue Ash... theyve always been flaky on procedure and tatics. I got pulled over in blue ash once... by 4 officers... for driving 42 in a 35. There are two places you dont want to get pulled over in Cincinnati, thats Blue Ash and Indian Hill.


Jesus, I can't believe some of the responses in here.

You run from the police....you should at least expect to be beaten within an inch of your life, if not shot.




My response was not that he should not have been shot, but the officer should not have been on the hood of a moving vehicle.


Don't run from the police in the first place and none of this would be needed.


He attempted to run over 2 cops before the pursuit ended. I see a video that justifies everything the cops did.


Also, strips were tried, "The driver missed the Stop Sticks and kept going on Reed Hartman."

+1, If he didn't run none of this would have taken place.

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that's understandable but in a way messed up. they can't pit without asking permission but they can race around town at 100+ mph and then shoot the guy point blank. one would think even a pit attempt on an empty road would be safer in the end. again, I understand the rules they face though.


They can't PIT without authorization.
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if they feel their life is threatened, they can use deadly force.


If they could pit at will, there would be lawsuits from people saying they weren't necessary, etc. You can't argue the use of deadly force if the perp is trying to kill you though.


Honestly, I think it's a load of shit that the cops have as many rules as they do. It puts the letter of the law on the side of the criminals and gives them too much freedom.

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if they feel their life is threatened, they can use deadly force.


If they could pit at will, there would be lawsuits from people saying they weren't necessary, etc. You can't argue the use of deadly force if the perp is trying to kill you though.


Honestly, I think it's a load of shit that the cops have as many rules as they do. It puts the letter of the law on the side of the criminals and gives them too much freedom.


Agreed, but as a general rule they should always try to stop the pursuit without using force first; A great number of chases end when the cop just hangs tight.

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There could be and I am sure that there is more to this situation than meets the eye. All we can see are views from certain camera angles, thus not telling the whole story. Not saying this situation could have been handled differently though.


Watch this and youll see what I mean:



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The idiot should have stopped. He ran, put not only the police officers but other motorists and possibly pedestrians in danger. Regardless of why the officer jumped on his hood. That's definitely when you stop, not take a joy ride with an officer on your hood. I feel no remorse for the monte driver.
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I think that was a little much. The shooting wasnt to that point yet. It seems it would have happened but they way it did, didnt seem right. I thaught they were only allowed to shot if shotten at? Or closely related.
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I'm 100% on the cops side.You run from the cops you get what you deserve.1st don't steal cars.2nd stop when your supposed too.It isn't a game like on the Video systems when you run in a real car.Real people get hurt or killed sometimes.Fortunately this time it was the thief and not a productive person in society that got killed.
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I thank the cops of blue ash for saving the tax payers money, housing, clothing and feeding that piece of crap.


a qoute from a "'Beyond the law'':

"One thing my father tought me, when outnumbered by crazy white men with guns"

"What, was that?"

"Give the fuck up."

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