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Racism in America


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Just because I have a big wing doesn't mean I am a ricer.






































































































Bwahahahahaha Who am I kidding of course it does!

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  Chad is Dead said:
It's weird this topic came up. Last night my girlfriend and I were talking about this exact topic. She thinks black people need payed for their ancestors and i was arguing she was completely crazy and brought up the point of the jews and homosexuals. She started crying and talking about how I had no emotions. So I definately agree with what you are saying.

I am almost sure that if you look back in history. You will find nearly every culture has been beat down by another.


I think one of the problems that we have in America is people are afraid of this subject, it is like the third rail. If you bring up the subject it immediately turns ugly. I commend everyone here for an open discussion about the subject, and not waiving a Ban Hammer for bringing it up.


I think it is sad that the issue of slavery has dominated this country for so long. The issue has lead to "white guilt" in America. The whites are taught in school to feel ashamed about their ancestors actions, that they ad nothing to do with. Thomasville N.C. is named for my fathers, mothers side of the family. It started out as a plantation with slaves before the civil war. Do feel guilty? No. I had nothing to do with it. Was it wrong ? Yes.


I will tell you from my experience, Black history month was never a good month for the Whites in my school. When the topic was brought up many feelings were stirred. Since I went to a predominantly black school, this was the source of many problems for me. It seemed like every February, it was fight time. It always started the same way, name calling, then the fights. Like I said before I was the big guy in school, I could fend for myself just fine. The smaller white students would go to the rest room and "boom".


Has this effected my outlook? Sure I would be a fool and a liar if I said that it did not. I certainly do not consider myself a racist, I believe every should get the same opportunities in America no matter what color.

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  The Pikey said:
I'm making this post with all due respect, and based on my honest opinions and feelings.
So you continued it "off topic" instead of attempting to bring the conversation back to what the original topic was???? What do you think the original topic was? Not about race and racism? Come on, the fucking title is "Racism in America". We all have our opinions, and they are just that, and so far we have had a civil conversation and I don't see why it would need to venture down the path of hysteria and mayhem because someone may have different views on how History should affect our Present and Future.




  The Pikey said:
You may say my feelings on this are naive, but my experience has served me well in dealing with people in person for 38 years. The Internet has become a paradise for people to pass their limited opinion as fact.


If I offened anyone I apologize, because that exactly would I would do in person!!!

YOUR EXPERIENCE... for 38 years, that's no better than any of our "experience" that you claim is "people's limited experience on dealing with others". Guess what, your 38 years isn't shit either. You have no more credibility than any of us and our views just cause you are a mix of races and have seen both sides. We don't need to be mixed raced, or 38 just to see what you have seen too.


Don't burn your own ass by claiming we have "limited experience" then make yourself out to be some all knowing individual. Cause as I see it, your personal opinion doesn't qualify as fact either.

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  RangerTurbo said:
So you continued it "off topic" instead of attempting to bring the conversation back to what the original topic was???? What do you think the original topic was? Not about race and racism? Come on, the fucking title is "Racism in America". We all have our opinions, and they are just that, and so far we have had a civil conversation and I don't see why it would need to venture down the path of hysteria and mayhem because someone may have different views on how History should affect our Present and Future.




YOUR EXPERIENCE... for 38 years, that's no better than any of our "experience" that you claim is "people's limited experience on dealing with others". Guess what, your 38 years isn't shit either. You have no more credibility than any of us and our views just cause you are a mix of races and have seen both sides. We don't need to be mixed raced, or 38 just to see what you have seen too.


Don't burn your own ass by claiming we have "limited experience" then make yourself out to be some all knowing individual. Cause as I see it, your personal opinion doesn't qualify as fact either.




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  RangerTurbo said:
So you continued it "off topic" instead of attempting to bring the conversation back to what the original topic was???? What do you think the original topic was? Not about race and racism? Come on, the fucking title is "Racism in America". We all have our opinions, and they are just that, and so far we have had a civil conversation and I don't see why it would need to venture down the path of hysteria and mayhem because someone may have different views on how History should affect our Present and Future.




YOUR EXPERIENCE... for 38 years, that's no better than any of our "experience" that you claim is "people's limited experience on dealing with others". Guess what, your 38 years isn't shit either. You have no more credibility than any of us and our views just cause you are a mix of races and have seen both sides. We don't need to be mixed raced, or 38 just to see what you have seen too.


Don't burn your own ass by claiming we have "limited experience" then make yourself out to be some all knowing individual. Cause as I see it, your personal opinion doesn't qualify as fact either.


I love how you left out that my experience based on my racial make up didn't hold more weight, just a different perspective. I was also responding to V8kilr's question. Was this thread ever going to get back on topic?


Not that it makes a bit a difference, I wasn't lumping your posts, before this rant in with the 99% (exaggerated number). Because they had a balance, not a one way street of opinion and assumptions


My experience shows me something a lot different than what I've been reading in this thread...that's it. I did not try and pass it off as fact, just the way I lead my life. One thing I've learned in my 38 years, is that I don't know everything...but I do know I know more than I did when was in my 20s.


You can continue to think I'm coming off as all knowing, but nothing could be further from the truth. Topics like this can easily get lost in translation, or actual tones of comments misread.


I did say I apologize, and i meant it.



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I think i have been able to see a bit more then a lot of you, having lived in a nice upscale area ( granville) growing up, and having moved back recently from one of the shittiest parts of Baltimore, MD. I lived straight up in the fucking ghetto, no 2 ways about it, i saw the absolute worst shit you can imagine, up to and including not being allowed to leave my apartment for 25 hrs by police force due to a triple homicide 2 doors down with some dude still holed up. Rape, murder, drugs, theft, shit that was everyday life.


Yet i met some of the coolest motherfuckers i have ever met in B-more, and had pretty much zero problems directed my way, aside from a few odd looks as to what the hell my white ass was doing there lol. I felt more at home there then i did in granville, and to be honest, i met way more shitty people in the upscale confines of suburban america then i did in the "hood".


That said, Yea people will always question what they dont know about, and the sheeple will tend to fear difference. There really is no way around it, untill people learn to drop their preconcived notions of one another, this shit will go on...


My 2 cents.

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  Mattsn2o281 said:
I think i have been able to see a bit more then a lot of you, having lived in a nice upscale area ( granville) growing up, and having moved back recently from one of the shittiest parts of Baltimore, MD.

  Mattsn2o281 said:


That is still just experience in life like the rest of us have. It does not make you more qualified than others.

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I bet this conversation would seem much more neutral if it were in person. It's one reason I try my best, but fail sometimes, to stay out of topics like these. Not because of opinions, but because things can be explained better when you're actually talking to someone, and not letting your emotions cause you to overreact to something you read, which I'm guilty of too.



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The only way to solve racism will be to completely ignore racial issues. So long as people like Rev. Al Sharpton keep harping about racial this and discrimmination, and as long as we have "hate-crime" addenda to sentences for crimes there will always be racism in America.


Yolanda King came to speak at my high school a while ago, and I remember one of the things she said really resonated with me: "My father's message was not that the world should be blind to color. I am black and I would never want any white person to see me as anything different. What my father wanted was for the difference in color not to matter."


The minute race gets thrown in as a reason for a malevolent action, the cycle is repeated and racism grows. Every time someone tries to ban the n-word, the argument is brought to light and racism grows. Every time there's an argument for some policy to help one race more than another (or sex for that matter), the argument gets worse.

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  The Pikey said:
I bet this conversation would seem much more neutral if it were in person. It's one reason I try my best, but fail sometimes, to stay out of topics like these. Not because of opinions, but because things can be explained better when you're actually talking to someone, and not letting your emotions cause you to overreact to something you read, which I'm guilty of too.



I think it is neutral.... speak your mind.

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  The Pikey said:
I bet this conversation would seem much more neutral if it were in person. It's one reason I try my best, but fail sometimes, to stay out of topics like these. Not because of opinions, but because things can be explained better when you're actually talking to someone, and not letting your emotions cause you to overreact to something you read, which I'm guilty of too.




Yah, I over reacted to your post as well. Sowy

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  RangerTurbo said:
Yah, I over reacted to your post as well. Sowy


It's cool:cool:


I don't mind expressing my opinion, but I never want to come across as condescending...and after re-reading somethings, that's exactly how it appears.



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  The Pikey said:
It's cool:cool:


I don't mind expressing my opinion, but I never want to come across as condescending...and after re-reading somethings, that's exactly how it appears.



If you are referring to your post, don't worry about it, if referring to mine accept my apologies.


One thing I like about CR is we cant fight like cats and dogs in one thread, then be just fine in the next. :D

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