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, When grabbing your medicine do not accidently grab you nighttime pile . Instead of my regular pills.....


I ate a fucking pill to keep me awake..........

I followed it up with a few t pms after failing to make myself puke.



Doh I feel horrible.



Anyone else ever do someting stupid like this.

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WHat the fuck is "t pms" ?


Nope I read the bottle before I put the shit in my mouth. Imagine if you took some fucked up pill that only women are suposed to take, you might grow tits....


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what he said.....kids....get me up in the morning and sex puts me down :p no pills needed.


I think I'd be more worried that you have an assortment of pills for the daytime and an assortment of pills for the nighttime. Thats just not natural.
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I usally have them in these little pill containers. It scuked. I was up and down all fucking day. after 4 T pm's I just liad there awake but nonfunctional. Yeah from this point on I will be 10x more careful


Yeah, I take an allergy pill that wires me.


I take stomache pills

and these ones called I'm not Going to kill anyone today.

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