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Walla's new ablum delayed by homeland security ? WTF?


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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please god tell me that Drew2znrnrndjd reads this one to.




So this guy has done nothing wrong and his CD is delayed....................... Wow..... Notice there have been quite a few storys lately. And there is a new law in the works for wiretapping if it has not already passed.



I'm proud to be an american atleast I know I used to be free. I won't forget the men who died WHO GAVE THAT RIGHT TO ME.

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Your basically just spouting off at the mouth now. I respect you and your opinion but you will not and can not change my opinion.


That is complete b.s. with the album. But maybe someone confiscated it cause it sucked and didnt want us to have to hear junk music.

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Oh yeah.


Stop looking at what there doing in places you dont live and could really care less about.

Look in your hometown and see what good Homeland Security has brought to your area.


Because Im sure you didnt know about this when it happened.




This is from 04 but hopefully you get my point. The only thing "people like you" see in thie news it the bad shit.

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Yes, Would you like me to show some of the dumb shit they bought. Even deputies made of fun of some of it. They got money, So what , You saying they could not have money otherwise?



Thats like getting fucked in the ass and then saying because after they bought you ice cream it was good.

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Penguin takes his car into the shop, the mechanic says he needs an hour to check it out. Penguin goes across the street to get some ice cream, but because he doesn't have any hands he gets it all over his beak. He goes back to the shop and the mechanic says it looks like you blew a seal. Penguin says no it's just a little ice cream.





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Bill enough is enough with the gov't/president/pirate shit we know how you feel, it's fuckin old. You posted a blurb about this in another thread and nobody bit, so now you start a whole new thread about it. They took a harddrive from a courier at the border, so fucking what, their job is hard, the boarder patrol is doing it's job, isn't that what you want anyway? Nevermind don't answer I just asked you to stop.
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Oh yeah.


Stop looking at what there doing in places you dont live and could really care less about.

Look in your hometown and see what good Homeland Security has brought to your area.


Because Im sure you didnt know about this when it happened.




This is from 04 but hopefully you get my point. The only thing "people like you" see in thie news it the bad shit.


Do you know what all that cockamamy bullshit you posted means? It means that Franklin County is spending our tax money to buy new trucks and cars, guns, and whatever else they can think of to "protect" us from the apparently imminent attacks in Columbus, OH which is obviously the kind of earth-shattering attack the terrorists would execute. You know what all that feel-good equipment is gonna do? Its going to sit in a closet with top security clearance and collect dust until a politician with his head located somewhere other than his colon realizes we should probably just get rid of it.


You basically just proved the point that this anti-terrorist shit is completely useless.

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Do you know what all that cockamamy bullshit you posted means? It means that Franklin County is spending our tax money to buy new trucks and cars, guns, and whatever else they can think of to "protect" us from the apparently imminent attacks in Columbus, OH which is obviously the kind of earth-shattering attack the terrorists would execute. You know what all that feel-good equipment is gonna do? Its going to sit in a closet with top security clearance and collect dust until a politician with his head located somewhere other than his colon realizes we should probably just get rid of it.


You basically just proved the point that this anti-terrorist shit is completely useless.

Someone call the CIA, this man knows where the terrorists will and won't attack!!1 Seriously, if Columbus was targeted in the Cuban missile crisis, I see no reason why terrorist fucks wouldn't target it again. Anywhere in the U.S. is anyone's best bet. Get off your high-throne, cutey.

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this is basically proof that the terrorists have won. we're allowing--nay, ENCOURAGING our lives to be built around a fear of attack. we have two options: A) get over it, get on with life as always without spending shitloads of money on this "threat" or B) IDENTIFY OUR FUCKING ENEMY. You can't say our enemy is Iraq. You can't say our enemy is terrorism. You can't say our enemy is Al-Queda. Our government needs to pass down from Commander in Chief to the grunts on the front line the order to kill SOMEONE. Right now we've got 150k troops with itchy trigger fingers and after 4.5 years the brass still hasn't given a clear indication of who they should be aiming at. Sunnis? Shiites? Terrorists? men, women, children? no one knows who we're fighting, so we either need to kill everyone or kill no one. and people wonder why this blackwater shit is happening.
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this is basically proof that the terrorists have won. we're allowing--nay, ENCOURAGING our lives to be built around a fear of attack. we have two options: A) get over it, get on with life as always without spending shitloads of money on this "threat" or B) IDENTIFY OUR FUCKING ENEMY. You can't say our enemy is Iraq. You can't say our enemy is terrorism. You can't say our enemy is Al-Queda. Our government needs to pass down from Commander in Chief to the grunts on the front line the order to kill SOMEONE. Right now we've got 150k troops with itchy trigger fingers and after 4.5 years the brass still hasn't given a clear indication of who they should be aiming at. Sunnis? Shiites? Terrorists? men, women, children? no one knows who we're fighting, so we either need to kill everyone or kill no one. and people wonder why this blackwater shit is happening.





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Bill enough is enough with the gov't/president/pirate shit we know how you feel, it's fuckin old. You posted a blurb about this in another thread and nobody bit, so now you start a whole new thread about it. They took a harddrive from a courier at the border, so fucking what, their job is hard, the boarder patrol is doing it's job, isn't that what you want anyway? Nevermind don't answer I just asked you to stop.


i will stop starting threads But I will comments still. Or I will keep it all under nightcrew, I see respones to everyone single time I post something about this. maybe I feel that people don't see whats happening and thats why they have esckewed views.

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Do you know what all that cockamamy bullshit you posted means? It means that Franklin County is spending our tax money to buy new trucks and cars, guns, and whatever else they can think of to "protect" us from the apparently imminent attacks in Columbus, OH which is obviously the kind of earth-shattering attack the terrorists would execute. You know what all that feel-good equipment is gonna do? Its going to sit in a closet with top security clearance and collect dust until a politician with his head located somewhere other than his colon realizes we should probably just get rid of it.


You basically just proved the point that this anti-terrorist shit is completely useless.


When I go to lunch with half the Attorney Generals office tomorrow I will asks them for a list so I can provide it to you. This way youll have a better understanding on something you know nothing about.

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When I go to lunch with half the Attorney Generals office tomorrow I will asks them for a list so I can provide it to you. This way youll have a better understanding on something you know nothing about.


My uncle was regional director of emergency operations for the Red Cross, genius, if anyone knows how local relief and security budgets are spent, its him.

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Why does Terroism have to be used to give more money.


Damn neocons.

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies


Now whats fucked up based on our own stupidity We've terrorized our self.

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My uncle was regional director of emergency operations for the Red Cross, genius, if anyone knows how local relief and security budgets are spent, its him.


You say genius to me like I should have known that or something.


So what your telling me is the an Independent Non-Profit Organization has access to that information?

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