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I need an electric cattle prod


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Gonna be used on a neighbor's chihuahua. They can't seem to get the hint to keep it in their own damn yard, so, I'm going to train it for them. I has a pellet gun, but, i don't want to kill the thing, only scare the shit out of it.


Be careful, im sure a high powered cattle prod could kill something that small.

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I second the paintball suggestion. I have seen cats permanently deterred with a couple well-placed paintballs without injuring them (well, not permanently). I'm sure it's more psychological than anything. In fact, I happen to have a Spyder E99 (Full auto, up to 13 balls per second) with an electric hopper that I have been thinking about selling if you'd be interested.


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I second the paintball suggestion. I have seen cats permanently deterred with a couple well-placed paintballs without injuring them (well, not permanently). I'm sure it's more psychological than anything. In fact, I happen to have a Spyder E99 (Full auto, up to 13 balls per second) with an electric hopper that I have been thinking about selling if you'd be interested.



Yea, I might try the paintball idea. Never gave that a thought. And thanks for the offer, but I've got a Tippman A5 w/ an Egrip at my disposal. :D

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I like the paintball idea. Had the neighbors dog from down the street (saint bernard) come down and take a shit in my front yard every morning. I caught him in the act one morning. He went home a nice shade of pink. Havent seen him since.
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It isn't the dog's fault so much as it is it's mexican owners. I kind of feel bad for the dog because it's constantly running across the street (read: Going to get ran over) and the owners won't do anything about it. I figure if they won't train it, I will.
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so punish the dog for the owners transgressions... nice :rolleyes:


if its THAT big of a problem that you REALLY cant live with it, then call animal control.


I wouldn't say I'm punishing the dog. I feel I'm doing it a favor. As I said, I don't want to hurt it, only to teach it that my house (across the street) isn't a happy place to be.


And we've told the neighbors to try to keep it in their yard because it's going to get hit, but, being the dumb fucks that they are, they won't listen.


Also, I'd rather not call animal control. I'd hate to have the thing end up in a pound for a few months, only to be euthanized (sp?) later.

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It isn't the dog's fault so much as it is it's mexican owners. I kind of feel bad for the dog because it's constantly running across the street (read: Going to get ran over) and the owners won't do anything about it. I figure if they won't train it, I will.



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