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Halloween week thread


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what are you all going as for halloween.


my apt is a 2 story house split into 2 (upstairs/downstairs) and we've become friends with the 4 people downstairs, so we're gonna do a Heaven/Hell party. Since we're upstairs, we're making my Jewish roommate be Jesus, I'm gonna be a televangelist (read: flashy jacket, fake gold chain, microphone and a LOT of drunken yelling), it should be fun. Plus, we figure its a good way to take the pair of really hot bitches that always go as a slutty devil and slutty angel and separate them for easier pimpin (every college has at least 400 pairs of girls that do it EVERY halloween, y'all educated folk can attest to that).

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what are you all going as for halloween.


my apt is a 2 story house split into 2 (upstairs/downstairs) and we've become friends with the 4 people downstairs, so we're gonna do a Heaven/Hell party. Since we're upstairs, we're making my Jewish roommate be Jesus, I'm gonna be a televangelist (read: flashy jacket, fake gold chain, microphone and a LOT of drunken yelling), it should be fun. Plus, we figure its a good way to take the pair of really hot bitches that always go as a slutty devil and slutty angel and separate them for easier pimpin (every college has at least 400 pairs of girls that do it EVERY halloween, y'all educated folk can attest to that).



What are you goin as this year? A straight guy?

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What are you goin as this year? A straight guy?


Well I'm going as a televangelist, so obviously some homosexual misconduct is on the agenda. What about you, plan on dressing up as someone whose model of self worth isn't founded on the quality of car he drives or pussy he pounds but rather what good he's done for the world? I mean, thats the kind of thing you probably can't put together in 9 days, but I know of a great costume shop. It's called "Kohls" and they have all these nice clothes at reasonable prices and they don't make you look like a Gotti brother at all!


EDIT again: yeah, just do your best to look the opposite of this guy and people won't recognize you at all


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Well I'm going as a televangelist, so obviously some homosexual misconduct is on the agenda. What about you, plan on dressing up as someone whose model of self worth isn't founded on the quality of car he drives or pussy he pounds but rather what good he's done for the world? I mean, thats the kind of thing you probably can't put together in 9 days, but I know of a great costume shop. It's called "Kohls" and they have all these nice clothes at reasonable prices and they don't make you look like a Gotti brother at all!


EDIT: Lets do a role reversal, you can go as I just described, and I can play you

Fuck you, I like Kohl's. :mad:

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Well I'm going as a televangelist, so obviously some homosexual misconduct is on the agenda. What about you, plan on dressing up as someone whose model of self worth isn't founded on the quality of car he drives or pussy he pounds but rather what good he's done for the world? I mean, thats the kind of thing you probably can't put together in 9 days, but I know of a great costume shop. It's called "Kohls" and they have all these nice clothes at reasonable prices and they don't make you look like a Gotti brother at all!


EDIT again: yeah, just do your best to look the opposite of this guy and people won't recognize you at all



Oh god please tell me what you have done to help save the world.

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Oh god please tell me what you have done to help save the world.


Made it my personal mission to shit in all your threads:p



Naw, I've done nothing. But I will be spreadin' the word of the Lawwwwd come this All Hallow's Eve where the sinners be needin' the Good Book to save their souls from eternal damnation.

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Wow, Pac Sun? Hate that place. Pure, I'ma skater store, with quiers that work there, and posers in and out paying for overpriced clotes that make people think they skateboard. Waste of life.


Uh. what?



Oh, you're probably still in HS. When you get to college you'll realize that outside of professional settings pretty much no rational person gives a flying fuck how you dress and how it reflects on your interests.

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Last Halloween doing some dj'in at a friends party in athens...












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