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Joe Francis (girls gone wild CEO)


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He was on Howard today, he was calling from a Reno, NV prison, where he was transfered there from a Florida prison. He has been in prison for 7 months and cannot get out because the Florida court has removed his right to bail. He has a trial on Apr 29, 2008 in NV and most likely will not get out until then and even then he most likely will have to return to a Florida prison where he claims to have been tortured and setup. The Florida court tried to block him from being transfered to NV for a federal case of tax evasion so they could continue to mistreat him. Joe wanted to go to NV so that his living conditions would be better. The Florida court lost and he was transfered. Watch the Greta Van Susteren interview on the site above where he explains everything. Not saying he didn't bring some of this on himself by challenging officials of a small town, but damn I feel his rights have been violated. The civil lawsuit being turned into a criminal case is crazy. Read or watch if you want, it is pretty long but kills some time and is interesting.

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Didn't he go down for skirting MILLIONS of dollars of taxes by funneling money off-shore? Not that I want to make this a political issue, but he does business in the US and he should pay taxes in the US. On top of that, he makes his money by exploiting women, (I don't care if you are a guy or a girl, this is exploitation by the book) and as a result he is the subject of prosecution. He's a criminal, end of story, let him rot in jail. Sucks that he found a jurisdiction that won't put up with his shit, but such is life. He should have run a legit porn company like the rest of the law abiding and consequently *not in jail* smut dealers in the US.
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he broke the law... he's cocky and arrogant.... did you hear when the lawyer that calls into the show told him that he said 4 years ago to knock that off or he'll end up in jail... surprise... guess where he's at?


tax ivasion.... may he rot in jail... he's part of the reason why the american dollar isn't worth squat anymore.

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