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White Castle... BEWARE!!!


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MMMMMKAAAY!!! ... weds of last week.. i wake my happy ass up at 8 and leave for Tennessee to go spend it with my grandmother and a few other select family members.. ok? ... so me and my dad are cruising down 71 and we both got hungry in Columbus for a little something. well i make the grand fucking mistake of white castle in grove fucking city.... never again.


one... i have NEVER been to a white castle before this day in a sober state.. so i never remembered the food other then when in college and shit face plastered it was awesome(and the amazing sheetz run..for n e one who's experienced it)


Two... it took 21 mins to get my food.. when i was the only one through the drive through.


Three...the girl who was working the window.. i swear to god... i was right on the damn curb in an 07 si and the bitch's arms were to stubby to hand me my food..and she didn't speak a word of English.. i was in hillbilly land before i even got to Kentucky.


Four... I think my stomach is rebelling on me even to this day. threw up about 20 min on the side of 71 after ingesting this damn food. and haven't been right since.





and i feel bad for anyone in that area.. that white castle has to be like a nuclear power plant and just give off diseases with that kind of shit gng on.

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... its White Castle. You've just described nothing new to anyone here, and NOTHING out of the ordinary regarding any white castle in the greater columbus area.


And its Grove City, have you never heard the term 'Grove tuckey'? Im sure its been said more than once on this forum.

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... its White Castle. You've just described nothing new to anyone here, and NOTHING out of the ordinary regarding any white castle in the greater columbus area.


And its Grove City, have you never heard the term 'Grove tuckey'? Im sure its been said more than once on this forum.



+1 on everything stated above. honestly, what do you expect from a restaurant where the price of 7 burgers does not even cost as much as the gallon of gas you wasted in the drive thru???


fast food restaurants don't sport the smartest of workers usually. i'm sure the person working the window was probably getting ready to defend her master's thesis this week.

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excellent point. I wonder if their marketing department thought that one through....or maybe they did. :eek:


They are called "sliders".......


I've not eaten anything labeled White Castle since the days of college where they only reason we ate it is because it was expected that we'd puke it up afterwards and there's no sense in spending any more money on food that's making a return trip anyway :o


When I'm driving the biggest craving I get is for a Quarter Pounder from McD's. I can eat 7 of those if my heart and waistline would let me.

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Why do people eat this shit? I've never made contact with Castle food, the smell is enough to keep me away.

I would kill for a white castle today..... 4 w/cheese and extra onions! mmmmm.

Aren't you the guy that, in other threads, claimed to know what was healthy for the masses, and claimed to keep the nasty shit away from his family?

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Ive never eaten a slider in my life. I bought four once because my buddies were going there, and when we got home and i pulled it out of the box, it was fucking soggy and literally smelled like dog food with dehydrated onions on top. Oh, wait. Thats exactly what it is. I gave them to my buddies dog and get queasy whenever I even see a white castle.



Interestingly enough, Ive found that this allows me to enjoy Harold and Kumar alot more, because the ridiculous amount of advertising in the movie has no power over me whatsoever.

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And its Grove City, have you never heard the term 'Grove tuckey'? Im sure its been said more than once on this forum.


Your right, I don't know how anyone in this area survives with all the hillbillies cooking up squirrel and muskrat. :rolleyes:


Dude you ate White Castle, that was mistake 1,2 & 3. That stuff tastes like ass when your piss drunk.

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