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Almost Got Run Over By Somali's At Gas Station


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I was pumping gas at the Sunoco by Columbus Square 161/Cleveland and a car came hauling ass through almost clipped me. I figured they were about to rob the store or something when a Somalian got out and started chasing a black guy with a tire iron. He started yelling give me my shit back etc. So I hurried up and got out there. I could see them chasing him around the station almost running him over and playing hide and seek around other customer cars. I havent seen anything like this before like I said a few weeks ago this area is really going to shit quick. Cj
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I was pumping gas at the Sunoco by Columbus Square 161/Cleveland and a car came hauling ass through almost clipped me. I figured they were about to rob the store or something when a Somalian got out and started chasing a black guy with a tire iron. He started yelling give me my shit back etc. So I hurried up and got out there. I could see them chasing him around the station almost running him over and playing hide and seek around other customer cars. I havent seen anything like this before like I said a few weeks ago this area is really going to shit quick. Cj


Sound like 2 retards that need to be locked up. That could happen in any area in columbus if you piss someone off bad enough!

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Sound like 2 retards that need to be locked up. That could happen in any area in columbus if you piss someone off bad enough!

For some reason I think the chance of this happening near Muirfield is pretty slim.

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^^^Doc, your sig pic gets me everytime. Regardless of how I feel about Thompson, at least everyone recognizes what he actually stands for :cool:.


IAnyways, I remember pulling the blue slug apart in the back of SlowMo's old shop at Westerville Rd. + 161 where the Somalis congregated. If you didn't hear gunshots on any particular day you got worried something was amiss.

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How is that statement racist? If it was a White guy from london that speaks better english than me, I would want his ass deported too. Meh, I do like things white I guess, nice white Pontiac ya got there chief! See there I go again. To my defense I owned a black car once, I hated every minute of cleaning that car.
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you know there was sarcasm in my comments right? :confused: I like white cars too, but have a black brick now too :o


How is that statement racist? If it was a White guy from london that speaks better english than me, I would want his ass deported too. Meh, I do like things white I guess, nice white Pontiac ya got there chief! See there I go again. To my defense I owned a black car once, I hated every minute of cleaning that car.
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How is that statement racist? If it was a White guy from london that speaks better english than me, I would want his ass deported too. Meh, I do like things white I guess, nice white Pontiac ya got there chief! See there I go again. To my defense I owned a black car once, I hated every minute of cleaning that car.


You need some help, maybe I can shrink ur head for a fee! I have had a white car, sucked balls, then a black car, sucked bigger balls, then a blue car, now they are big blue balls!



BTW: Muirfield can happen too, i know someone has picked up a the wrong newspaper once in awhile!

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I have no problems with anyone at all unless you act like fool. I think it is funny how people of all colors dress in an odd way then they complain if you prejudge them. I will pick on white people first.


The good old "Goth" kids wearing all black, putting black eyeliner on like Tammy Faye. They look ridiculous. I have a niece that was into that a couple of years ago. She just could not figure out why she could not get a job. It did not take me long to tell her the truth that she looked like a complete idiot and no one would ever hire her like that (except for Hot Topix).


I don't know what is worse and white person dressed like that or Billy Joe in Knox County with his belt buckle the size of a Lincolns hub cap. These guys kill me, they walk around with the back of their shirt untucked and the front tucked in so you can see the belt buckle. Then they go out to their pick up truck with "Cowboy Up" on the back window, and steer balls tied to the hitch.


Another thing that irritates about white people are the guys who get on their Harley on Saturday and dress up like the "Hard Core" biker. Give me a break. Just because you own a Harley you don't have to wear all black and always have some Harley shop t shirt on.


Now the blacks, I just don't "get" them sometimes. Maybe because I am white. PULL YOUR PANTS UP. I don't want to walk through the mall and see your boxers. There is a reason it is call underwear, think about it.


When I was in high school the black kids used to wear the leather necklace shaped like Africa around there neck. This makes as much sense as me wearing a something in the shape of Ireland. None of them have ever even been to Africa. I got so tired of that I made wood cut outs in high school of the US (painted red, white, and blue) and started wearing it just to make fun of the kids.


And the last thing that irritates me is seeing someone wearing "hustla Grills" God gave you teeth don't cover them up with some fake gold, "I wanna look like 50 cent", teeth.


I hate every one equally so I am not a racist.

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Well, I felt you could have bashed white "wiggers" a little more. Also, never leave out the emos, they need as much hate as possible. They need something to feed on, after all. Then there's the skaters and punks. :thumbup:



+1 equal hatred for all.

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Well, I felt you could have bashed white "wiggers" a little more. Also, never leave out the emos, they need as much hate as possible. They need something to feed on, after all. Then there's the skaters and punks. :thumbup:



+1 equal hatred for all.



I forgot about the Beastie Boy/ Vanilla Ice kids.

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