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The BCS Sucks.


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The BCS politics have given us two terrible matchups so far, anyone want to speculate on the next three?


Don't get me wrong, Hawaii deserved to get into a BCS - but not against Georgia who in my opinion should be playing OSU next week. Illinois was pretty good this year, but not BCS good. I wish the Rose Bowl would drop the nostalgic PAC v. Big 10 cryfest. That game should have been USC v. LSU.


Going to bed underwhelmed... :(

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Georgia didn't win their conference, they shouldn't be in the title game. If anyone it should be V. Tech.


I was rooting for Hawaii b/c this was a chance for them to prove themselves, the only thing they proved is they don't belong.


as far as predictions go. If White is playing I think WVU will beat Oklahoma.


I think V. Tech will beat Kansas.


I won't speculate about the title game because its bad Karma. But I would very much like for OSU to win.

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Hey Michigan beat Florida.. Being the Only Big 10 team to win so far if I'm not mistaking.


But yeah Hawaii got embarrassed just like I thought they would.. Now I have hear the crying bulldog fans at work say they should be playing for the championship blah blah blah..

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Georgia didn't win their conference, they shouldn't be in the title game. If anyone it should be V. Tech.


I was rooting for Hawaii b/c this was a chance for them to prove themselves, the only thing they proved is they don't belong.


as far as predictions go. If White is playing I think WVU will beat Oklahoma.


I think V. Tech will beat Kansas.


I won't speculate about the title game because its bad Karma. But I would very much like for OSU to win.


I see your point about winning the conference, but I don't think that matters as much - Georgia basically got "lucked" out of the title game which I thought was bullshit.


Now VT, that's an interesting matchup. That would be a fun game too.


I like Georgia, but I secretly wanted Hawaii to win as well. I loved watching Boise State win last year, and I liked watching Fresno State beat up on Georgia Tech on Monday. I like an underdog conference like the WAC.


If WVU wins against OU it will be one of the best wins against adversity and odds of the season. White will HAVE to play for them to win, no White = no win. Then to lose your coach as well and still try to remain focused? Add in the "chip on shoulder" factor. I dare not to speculate.


VT will beat Kansas, shoulda been Mizzou in that game.


And yea, no speculation here on the championship game. :)

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Hey Michigan beat Florida.. Being the Only Big 10 team to win so far if I'm not mistaking.



Purdue, Penn State, and Michigan. :)


Too bad about Indiana, I really wanted them to win. :(

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yeah i watched some games yesterday... not really impressed with the matchups. not sure if its the BCS or certain teams didnt belong there.


i got a feeling like a few years back when OSU and Miami played in the NC game. i just dont want to get embarrassed.. and out of that, i hope they win in triple OT in a hard faught battle.....

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I think Miz got really really hosed because of the big 12 title game. They should be ranked higher than Kansas. The only reason Miz has two losses instead of just one is because of the extra game that Kansas didn't have to play!


as far as WVU I don't think loosing your coach is as big of a deal as the media makes it. This team is a good team, they've been playing together for years (some of them) the only thing the coach does is do the play calling. But really how much play calling does the coach do with all of the other people on the team like the deffensive and offensive coordinators? They will do the same play calling they have been doing, and like we both said, if White plays (which I think he will) I think WVU will win.

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yeah i watched some games yesterday... not really impressed with the matchups. not sure if its the BCS or certain teams didnt belong there.


i got a feeling like a few years back when OSU and Miami played in the NC game. i just dont want to get embarrassed.. and out of that, i hope they win in triple OT in a hard faught battle.....


I'd rather OSU just beat them down. hard faught battles are ok mid-season, but I also remember all those OT's against miami, I couldn't take it anymore!

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osu vs lsu is a good game no team just beat lsu , it took 6 ots uga got that ass handed to them by tennesse who btw got beat by lsu, and uga lost to usc who lets just say sucked. hawaii got beat by a good ass defensive plan and illini had no chance against usc. put usc vs oklahoma wv vs hawaii uga vs vtech and illini vs mizzo (fuck kansas they still suck to me) and leave the natl championship as is.
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I'd rather OSU just beat them down. hard faught battles are ok mid-season, but I also remember all those OT's against miami, I couldn't take it anymore!

well yes, i'd rather them beat the snot out of them too... i just dont want to get embarrassed.


i remember that NC game with miami... omg, i was so sick, puking in between plays but screaming so loud at the tv lol

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I was thinking about this on the drive in, and here are the matchups I would have liked to see:















This is what i wanted to see.

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Georgia didn't win their conference, they shouldn't be in the title game. If anyone it should be V. Tech.


I was rooting for Hawaii b/c this was a chance for them to prove themselves, the only thing they proved is they don't belong.


as far as predictions go. If White is playing I think WVU will beat Oklahoma.


I think V. Tech will beat Kansas.


I won't speculate about the title game because its bad Karma. But I would very much like for OSU to win.


Oklahoma is too good to lose to W. Virginia

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osu vs lsu is a good game no team just beat lsu , it took 6 ots uga got that ass handed to them by tennesse who btw got beat by lsu, and uga lost to usc who lets just say sucked. hawaii got beat by a good ass defensive plan and illini had no chance against usc. put usc vs oklahoma wv vs hawaii uga vs vtech and illini vs mizzo (fuck kansas they still suck to me) and leave the natl championship as is.


Well said....but USC is damn good. GO BUCKS!!!

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These wouldve been better matchups:


Rose Bowl: USC vs GA

Fiesta: Oklahoma vs Kansas (since they didnt play this year)

Orange: WVU vs Va Tech (Battle of the Viginias)

Sugar: Illinois vs Hawaii



BTW USC has no grounds to cry about being shafted, they didnt win the games that they needed to. Give me a healthy Dennis Dixon and Oregon is in the Rose Bowl and USC is in 2nd place of the Pac 10

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These wouldve been better matchups:


Rose Bowl: USC vs GA

Fiesta: Oklahoma vs Kansas (since they didnt play this year)

Orange: WVU vs Va Tech (Battle of the Viginias)

Sugar: Illinois vs Hawaii



BTW USC has no grounds to cry about being shafted, they didnt win the games that they needed to. Give me a healthy Dennis Dixon and Oregon is in the Rose Bowl and USC is in 2nd place of the Pac 10


Kansas isn't that good, they shouldn't be in a BSC bowl, Missouri should have been selected over Kansas, and your right USC has no grounds to cry because they lost twice, but they are 1 of best teams right now as is Oklahoma, all in all I'm an Ohio State fan all the way, all the other teams/fans can cry all they want! fact is the title game is set!

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These wouldve been better matchups:


Rose Bowl: USC vs GA

Fiesta: Oklahoma vs Kansas (since they didnt play this year)

Orange: WVU vs Va Tech (Battle of the Viginias)

Sugar: Illinois vs Hawaii



BTW USC has no grounds to cry about being shafted, they didnt win the games that they needed to. Give me a healthy Dennis Dixon and Oregon is in the Rose Bowl and USC is in 2nd place of the Pac 10


I like those matchups as well. Illinois v. Hawaii would be a great game!


And I agree about Dixon and Oregon - I was so sad for them when he was injured. I loved watching them play this year.

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