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Best wireless provider?


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My current contract with AT&T is up, and I was looking to perhaps try another carrier. I see a lot more people with Verizon as of lately than anything, and was just wondering your alls opinions on carriers in the central ohio area. . . which have been the best in your experience? I was with cingular/at&t for 8 years, had a few problems with them. . . mostly when travelling down to southern ohio areas with limited coverage though.


Should I stick with AT&T or change?

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Stick with AT&T, Verizon broke my phone in the store and told me I had to pay $50 to get a new phone and I paid the insurance. Meanwhile they were giving away the phone for free to new customers. I have used a broken phone for over a year now. All because of an update they did.


Anyway what I was really trying to say is I have Verizon and I don't get reception in southern Ohio either no carrier does, because there are not many towers down there.

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Stay away from Sprint/Nextel.....coverage is weak, calls are unreliable, and the service is worse.

I want to say nextel is weak, but i have yet to run into any problems *knocks on wood* with sprint. I dont believe they use the same everything just yet. I have heard from many that you need to keep an eye on your bill because sprint was known for wierd charges, yes they would always fix it. But it would still suck to deal with. I was under a company phone for some time now and didnt need to look at the bill. But for the last 4 months everything seems to be fine.

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Thanks for all the input. . . after reading all your opinions and reading some reviews online, I went with Verizon. . . ordered and should be receiving my package in a couple of days.


What sucks about it is they don't use SIM cards, so I can't use my blackberry with them, and I didn't want to buy another one. . . but down the road, I can buy a verizon phone and activate it with my number, right?


Anywho, thanks guy =)

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i love verizon they replaced my old phone twice the insurance covered it when i smashed it riding bmx and then again when it fell out of my pocket and got run over.....i just upgraded so im with them for atleast 2 more years
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I know you've already made your decision, but to add to the info anyway...


I currently use Sprint and it's been great. The other day my gf and I were traveling between Indianapolis and here and she lost coverage a couple times and I didn't. She uses Verizon. However, I do hear alot of good things about Verizon.


It also doesn't seem to be near as spotty as my previous T-Mobile coverage. Of course, that was the least of my problems with T-Mobile. :mad:

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Best customer service

Small calling area



Most customers

Biggest network

Ok customer service



Best phones

Poor customer service overall


Verizon Wireless

1st in reliability

2nd biggest network

2nd most customers

2nd best customer service (should be 1st with all the $$$ they give away)

More expensive



Making a stronger attempt to make a name for themselves.


Cell phone companies use each others towers. When a company says it has a "big calling area" only a percentage of the towers actually belong to them. The reason why Verizon Wireless and At&T have better service is because they can afford to pay other cell phone companies to use their towers. At the same time they have enough money to build plenty of their own.

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We use them at work, and I've dealt with their BS for years. Crappy/unreliable data services, low signal/breakup/dropped calls in the MIDDLE OF FUCKING COLUMBUS! It's not the phone...all my coworkers deal with this, and it's done it with all the phones I've had: i300, i500, Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 700, PPC 6700, and my current Treo Centro.


I will say my service has been "slightly" better with my Centro, but compared to my personal Verizon, slightly still = shitty.


I wouldn't recommend Sprint to anyone. Total garbage. I've been a Verizon customer for years, and make no plans to leave them.

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have sprint now and love it.

i am on the sprint sero plan

$49 a month .. 1250 min, unlimted nights and weekends, unlimted text, unlimited picture and video mail, unlimited data.. can also tether to a laptop and have unlimited usage that way as well.


$7 extra for the unlimite dprotection plan on my phone.


currently using the sprint mogul ppc 6800

love every minute of it. most useful thing i own.


no wireless provider out there can beat that rate/plan

and i have had no issue with coverage yet

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I have Sprint for my personal phone and Verizon for work... my Sprint phone and coverage is crap... my Verizon has great coverage and works ANYWHERE, but my Blackberry phone is crap so sometimes people can't hear me that well....


I had AT&T before Sprint and I would drop calls driving down Broad Street.... I was never completely satisfied with them. I'm thinking about maybe trying out Revol next.... with no contracts, if I don't like them, I'll just change to a different carrier.

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Best customer service

Small calling area



Most customers

Biggest network

Ok customer service



Best phones

Poor customer service overall


Verizon Wireless

1st in reliability

2nd biggest network

2nd most customers

2nd best customer service (should be 1st with all the $$$ they give away)

More expensive



Making a stronger attempt to make a name for themselves.


Cell phone companies use each others towers. When a company says it has a "big calling area" only a percentage of the towers actually belong to them. The reason why Verizon Wireless and At&T have better service is because they can afford to pay other cell phone companies to use their towers. At the same time they have enough money to build plenty of their own.


B I usually agree with you but Sprint only has better PDA's then Verizon as of currently. Phone wise they are pretty much even Verizon is getting better and better with each model phone that comes out though.

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B I usually agree with you but Sprint only has better PDA's then Verizon as of currently. Phone wise they are pretty much even Verizon is getting better and better with each model phone that comes out though.


I still think the phone selection needs work. Its is heads and shoulders above what it used to be, but the younger crowd is still going to sprint/nextel. Phones like the voyager are helping us out, but will they keep it going?

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