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Wife In An Accident, People Suck...


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My wife got into a car accident this morning. Basically a hit and run. She's fine, but the Rainier is messed up. Passenger side door is fucked up. Window smashed, won't open. The car is driveable though. She was going down Riverside Dr., north of the zoo. A car coming at her was spinning in circles in the snow, forced her off the side of the road and she spun and hit a telephone pole. The car took off, left the scene. :mad: My wife is fine, she's not hurt at all. This happened at 6:30 this morning. I got up, went down there and checked it out , and had her drive home. Then I put it in the garage and took her to work. I'm glad she's OK, but I'm f'n PISSED that some sorry son of a bitch that would cause an accident and then leave the scene. People suck... :mad:
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It happens all the time here? We get a dusting of snow? Then assclowns who can't drive anyway, hit the street & other motorists, then WORSE they take off so we can't get their insurance to pay for the damage or a few points on their record- Truly stinks. Thank god your wife is ok though -
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Glad to hear Dani's ok. People are retarded, and I'm surprised they could could figure out how to leave the scene all of a sudden.


Any witnesses?


No witnesses. From what I gather, the other person regained control of their car and took off right after... :rolleyes:

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I write at least 10 estimates a week at work for hit and runs. Shit is getting rediculos. A guy actually came in and said that some hit the side of his 08 Tundra and tore the mirror off and swipped the bed side pretty good and left a note on his truck that said "sorry I hit your truck". The guy wasnt very happy to say the least.


Glad to hear she is ok though. Cars can get fix easy.

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I'm glad to hear Dani is ok.


I was in a hit and run back in high school. He pulled out in front of me and I hit his car in the back corner. The guy then proceeded to take off. I was able to follow the guy and get his license plate info. I didn't have a cell phone, and somehow calmer heads prevaled and I simply went to my destination and call the cops.


Guy ended up being a retired doctor. Cops called him, he gave them false insurance info (they didn't try real hard). After some more calls, the a-hole cursing out my VERY friendly step-dad, and threats of a lawyer, I got the correct insurance info from his wife, and more $$ from his insurance company than I would have expected (damage was cosmetic only, and was used to buy my Camaro months later).


2 weeks later, I was test driving a car with my mom. We pass by this bad accident. Read in the paper the guy pulled out in front of someone again, and was T-boned...died at the scene. I didn't feel bad for the guy.

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Wow that sucks. But the good thing is that she is ok. I am up on Long Island this week on business and my rental car got broken into and one of my co-workers laptops got taken off the back seat. Luckly mine and the other co-worker with me had ours in the back of the car (08 Ford Edge), and they were fine. Hertz was really cool with it and replaced the car quickly. Guy said it happens all the time up there. Thank god for the insurance.
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2 weeks later, I was test driving a car with my mom. We pass by this bad accident. Read in the paper the guy pulled out in front of someone again, and was T-boned...died at the scene. I didn't feel bad for the guy.


Holy crap, the same guy?! :eek:

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Holy crap, the same guy?! :eek:
Same guy. Some retired foreign doctor. He must have been a crappy doctor, as he was sporting a late 80's, early 90's Accord. I thought the wrecked car looked kind of familar, but since it's such a common car, I thought nothing of it at the time.
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