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Hypothetical situation about gas...


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So I was watching this show called "what if we ran out of oil" or something to that effect. It was a hypothetical situation that the oil reserve's have run out or are running out and oil was trading at $160 per barrel.


My question is, what would you do if a gallon of gas cost you $5.00? Or $10.00? Would you consider selling your car? Changing your driving habits? Moving? Just think of how much this will effect your life.

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Gas is one of those things that we will pay almost anything for. But, since you can make your own fuel out of many different things you probably would start doing that all Mad Max master blaster style.

Agreed. I would find some old tires and make body armor out of them.

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$5 gallon I would still drive, anything over I would be pretty much in trouble for my driving habbits.


But if you think about it, the economy would collapse over night if gas was that high


Yes, if it were an over night change alot of society would break down. But Im talking gradual, say in the next 3-5 years gas hits 5$. One thing to keep in mind, when i was 16 and started driving gas was only $1.20 a gallon. In eight years the consumer has to pay more than double what they previously did.


I garantee the next car i buy i will be preparing to pay at least $5/gallon while I own the car.


Buying a bike would definitly be beneficial. Its not like your the only one with the idea so there's bound to be more bikes on the road meaning HOPEFULLY the average motorist would be more bike friendly. The downside, prices of bikes would soar with all the increased demand.

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Eh, buy a diesel, take the cats off, get fry oil.


Fight global cooling, too.


I was waiting for someone to say it. Good idea but you have to remember your not the only one thinking of it. Soon enough small companies that produce veggie system's for diesel's would hit huge profits but restaurant's getting rid of the oil would wise up to the fact that they now possess a valuable commodity to some, so therein they would sell it meaning no more free fuel. And if your thinking of buying new veggie oil forget about it, its like 5.00$ right now.

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I would raise a small mercinary army, go to Middle East, and take over all the oil production. Then sell for discounted price, I'd call it, Oil N' Things.

I would join your small mercenary army.

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Would you consider selling your car?

No, it would be worthless. The best thing to do would be to sit on your shitty hog and hope that your kids can sell it to a nostalgic millionaire.


I'd re-evaluate riding my bike to work. I need to take the boy to daycare, so it would be tough in the winter. Fortunately, I wasn't dumb enough to live out in the stix with a city job. All the stuff we have is closer... but that too will become more expensive.

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No, it would be worthless. The best thing to do would be to sit on your shitty hog and hope that your kids can sell it to a nostalgic millionaire.


BINGO! If you drive a truck/SUV and want to pick up a small "beater" thats good on gas. Goodluck. Every small 4cyl car will be way over priced and that hunk of 'merican steel sitting in your driveway will be about as worthless as your 13mpg rating.


If gas hit $5 I would have to at least CONSIDER moving close enough to work to ride a bike everyday. Even if it was just in bearable climates you could still ride at least 10 months out of the year and if your close enough to ride its not like your using alot of gas even if you do decide to drive. If gas went up to $5 it would take roughly $60 to fill up my piece. $60 would suck on a weekly basis but on a monthly basis wouldnt be so bad.

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Assuming there is no sudden tax on gas vehicles I already own, I'll keep the two I have and look into an electric car. A diesel hybrid that can run off biodiesel would probably be the best bet at first. When the technology develops, a fully electric car will be a good choice. The ZR1 may be the fastest gas vette, but I doubt it'll be the fastest vette ever.
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