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wow....... (wreck)

Black ITR Guy

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how about when he puts the rear tires on them then brakes and drags him for a couple yards, always a crowd pleaser!!

LOL that's even more fucked up.


But IMO it looks fake. Watch when he first gets hit, before he hit the ground. His body just goes immediately limp, like a dummy. Then (and I don’t want to come across as being a sick bastard) when the first wheel hits him his legs just flail around like he has no bones. Finally, and I’m no expert on body v.s. truck accidents, but I don’t think you body would just get ripped in half. You would be fucked up for sure but have your torso ripped apart…Hummm And watch the bike from the very beginning, it comes in a straight line from the side of the road and continues straight ahead right in front of the truck, it never turned even when approaching the turn lane.

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LOL that's even more fucked up.


But IMO it looks fake. AWatch when he first gets hit, before he hit the ground. His body just goes immediately limp, like a dummy.

BThen (and I don’t want to come across as being a sick bastard) when the first wheel hits him his legs just flail around like he has no bones. CFinally, and I’m no expert on body v.s. truck accidents, but I don’t think you body would just get ripped in half. You would be fucked up for sure but have your torso ripped apart…

DHummm And watch the bike from the very beginning, it comes in a straight line from the side of the road and continues straight ahead right in front of the truck, it never turned even when approaching the turn lane.


A) Do you really think that traveling and being rear ended like that you're body is going to be able to compose itself in less than a split second before being ran over?


B) See A, also, have you ever watched someone skiing wreck? They flail all over the place too. You can't compose your body, let alone the longest appendage(s) you have in a moment like that.


C) John answered that one


D) Watch the hole video, the first cars go straight. That's not only a turn lane.

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Watch it from the beginning. The truck is moving over to go around the bike, then the bike just starts to veer right in front of the truck. The truck even tried to get back over to the right and miss the bike, but it doesn't look like there was time. Wasn't anything the truck could do but hit the brakes. Totally the guy on the bike's fault, IMO.
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Watch it from the beginning. The truck is moving over to go around the bike, then the bike just starts to veer right in front of the truck. The truck even tried to get back over to the right and miss the bike, but it doesn't look like there was time. Wasn't anything the truck could do but hit the brakes. Totally the guy on the bike's fault, IMO.


shit man, even if the truck did hit the brakes, no fuckin way its stopping in a shorter distance than that scooter.


lesson today is dont slam on your brakes in front of a semi. :eek:

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LOL that's even more fucked up.


But IMO it looks fake. Watch when he first gets hit, before he hit the ground. His body just goes immediately limp, like a dummy. Then (and I don’t want to come across as being a sick bastard) when the first wheel hits him his legs just flail around like he has no bones. Finally, and I’m no expert on body v.s. truck accidents, but I don’t think you body would just get ripped in half. You would be fucked up for sure but have your torso ripped apart…Hummm And watch the bike from the very beginning, it comes in a straight line from the side of the road and continues straight ahead right in front of the truck, it never turned even when approaching the turn lane.



You must not have never been knocked out-your body gets pretty F-in limp.


Also- do you realize how fragile the human body is? especially compared to some 20 ton truck? People were getting chopped in half in ancient china with a good sword by little Asian guys- I think a big fucking truck is more than enough.

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