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10TV would like to be at the cruise tonight.


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I would just issue a statement of why people are there and not do an interview.


+1 submitt a written stated on behalf of CR. stating george was a part of the cr family, was a great guy, ect. CR is a place for auto enthusiast to gather. something along those lines. I would make it simple and to the point. a written statement would take the mixing up of words out of the equation. as well as the questions that might trick someone into a wrong answer..lol


if someone wants to do an interview and make if perfectly clear that is a personal interview and not on behalf of cr thats their dec.

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Just an idea, but CPD was just doing they're job. Dissecting the evidence and information they could find. I would use this as a platform to explain the PERSON (George) behind the accident. This is a great chance to explain that this was a great man and a terrible tragedy. Also a good time to explain that in times of trouble this community comes together to help. If you issue a statement or an interview they are going to want to take some footage of the cruise to have something to put the voice over's with. I think its a good opportunity for CR.
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Just an idea, but CPD was just doing they're job. Dissecting the evidence and information they could find. I would use this as a platform to explain the PERSON (George) behind the accident. This is a great chance to explain that this was a great man and a terrible tragedy. Also a good time to explain that in times of trouble this community comes together to help. If you issue a statement or an interview they are going to want to take some footage of the cruise to have something to put the voice over's with. I think its a good opportunity for CR.


And a GREAT way for the news to twist words.

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The reporter that was covering the story on the accident would like to come out tonight and talk with people from CR. Would anyone be interested? He's looking for information on why were doing the cruise and about George as a person versus what the CPD fed them.


If there's people willing, I'll give him the info for tonight.


I am willing to do whatever I can to helps...

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Ok, I think I knew george more then alot of people goin tonight. If I need I can wear something alittle nicer and say something on his behalf. It would be something along the lines of how he was a good friend, very smart guy, always willing to help no matter what the situation. Whatever you guys wanna add I can say as well.
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I agree with the written statement vs interview.


For one thing, they are going to clip and spin it their way and an interview on camera or tape allows too much to risk.


Next, a written statement is more professional and in line with what George deserves. This night is about him and a good clean statement delivered by CR to the News is all it needs in terms of publicity.


It's good to have invited them but let them know the night is about George and not interviews or spin doctoring. I would also suggest that some best wishes for the other girl involved. Keeping it politically neutral and addressing that matter before it's brought up will be cool and keep the spin potential in check.


Lastly, IMO, it also says something about the integrity of CR and it's members. The news may have been just reporting the facts as they knew them, but since they are aware that everyone was upset, not actually granting them an interview continues the statement. Sometimes saying nothing says a lot.


Just my two cents. I haven't been out with folks much and wish I could be there, but we have company and tons of familiy and it I need to be with them tonight due to a family matter in our home.


Best wishes to George and hats off to all of you who are attending and organizing the tribute.

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A female reporter working tonight just called and left a VM while I was in the shower, so I called her back and left a message to play phone tag.


They're interested in talking to me a bit about tonight before they dedicate themselves to a story, so I'll feel it out first before I let too much info out.

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I just had a long conversation with the reporter, her name is Lindsay Seever (something like that).


They will be out tonight at 9pm pending no "bigger" stories happen, and I've explained to her the apprehension we have as a group and how we're portrayed. She's agreed to interview only those that volunteer, to keep people's license plates out of the picture, and to honestly listen to us. She was actually afraid of coming out at first due to how she would be treated due to the previous stories aired on the news.


I've told her we're a good group of automotive enthusiasts only trying to celebrate what George brought to us during his life, and not to reflect on his final moments, which only he knew what happened.


Please be professional, as I've asked the same from them. After speaking with her, I think this is an excellent opportunity to show the public that we're not the bad people some others made us out to be, so this is our chance to shine.



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I think this is great for us. Avoid claiming what he did or did not do and just focus on the life of a friend and part of the CR family.


So our dedication tonight is not to his actions but to the person.


BTW I will not talk to the reporters ;) I don't wanna make us look illtelratle Yes I spelled it wrong on purpose.

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