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Who else is sick??


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Apparently the flu has snuck up on everyone including myself. My girlfriend and I have come down with this horrible thing. It lasts a few days and seems to show no remorse. High fever past the 100's.


I just got back from taking her to the ER, having problems breathing and 103 fever. Somehow i managed to not get hit with it too bad, low fever 99's and some 100's.


Just wondering who else is sick?

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my girlfriend works at polaris urgent care,and she said there has been so many people come in with strep, and flu. ive been lucky so far, knock on wood! but everyone at her work has been getting sick.

My friend just went there and now he's at the hospital for super-flu-like symptoms. :(


I've been lucky and haven't had anything like the flu for years. I get the occasional cold for a couple days. I guess that means I'm due here soon. :mad:

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LOL!! Been there done that. Wife and I going at it while on vacation, drunk off our asses and both had to puke at seperate times while going at it :p Good times :D


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Im trying to get rid of a NASTY inner ear infection... for 2 days i could barely walk. had a temp up at 103.4 for several hours... dry heaving, dehydration, halucinations, chest conjection, sinus conjestion, migrain headachs, stomach cramps, cold sweats, shivvering, and coughing to no end... this is TWICE where ive gotten a hold of something that is just breaking my immune system down. Twice in 25yrs isnt a bad record but im just not used to being dropped like a bad habbit by a little bug.
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Sinus infection here. again. Wife is sick and had the chills/flu. Right now I have a massive sinus headache that hurts when I even stand up, roll my eyes around or actually do ANYTHING.. it fucking sucks.


There's a bunch of people at work too who are sick and stuff.

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My g/f and I have had the flu pretty badly.


She started on Saturday night; I started Monday morning. I literally layed around her place all day yesterday, with severe swings from hot to cold, fever that came and went, bad headache, and stomache pains that came and went (only threw up once). Her's was about the same.


I called off Monday and Tuesday, and have today and tomorrow off. Even though I slept a bunch yesterday, I've been sleeping like crazy today. Went to bed before midnight, and just woke up a few minutes ago. I still feel kind of crappy, but not nearly as bad as before.

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wow seems like a lot of people! Well, once we got back from the hospital she was fine until about 6am when her fever spiked back up to 102.9...I fed her 1gm of tylenol and iced her down. It seemed to do the trick.


No temp for me just coughing still like crazy.

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